Top 50 Arduino Based Projects: The popularity of Arduino Platform is at most because of its user friendly interface, easy to program, cheap, small size. For electronic hobbyist arduino platform become dream come true due to its plug and play option. Thus, we are going to compile Top 50 Arduino Based Projects posted in This project list include all those popular arduino based project posted in this website.
The impact of arduino platform is felt not only in all branch science and engineering but in the life of ordinary people who want to customize their creativity. Few year back the project like Robot, RC controlled car, appliance control over internet need core electronic idea and more complex programming, but these day one can make this type of project within an hour or two. Even non-engineering student can make their own customize projects like “Guitar Pedal” using arduino platform.
Figure 1: Top Arduino Based Projects
Lets take a look for the.
Most interesting arduino based projects over internet.
1. DIY Arduino Controlled Guitar Pedal
Features :
- For better resolution 16-bit output (two PWM output pin used)
- Distortion and noise free output.
- For better amplification single rail-to-rail op-amp.
- No dedicated power supply unit needs i.e. takes power from arduino board.
- Dedicated foot switch and volume control switch.
2. Arduino Controlled 12V battery charger circuit
Features :
- Two stage of charging (bulk stage and float stage charging).
- Dedicated LCD for indication of charging status and full charge.
- Automatic voltage and current adjustment for battery charging.
- High output current (5 Amp.) i.e. can charge up to 100A battery.
Making Video Link : Youtube Link
3. Appliance Control using IOT and AI Chatbot
Features :
- Can control your appliance from any corner of world.
- No dedicated software required i.e. it uses messenger for appliance control.
- AI Chat bot used i.e. you can add as many command for appliance ON and OFF.
Making video link:
Part 1: Youtube Link
Part 2: Youtube Link
4. Smart Dustbin using Arduino Uno
- Automatic open cap when one pass the hand and close its cap after interval of time.
- Simple circuit and step wise procedure of making.
- Dedicated ON/OFF switch if you wan to switch off the control board.
Making Video Link: Youtube Link
5. Earthquake detector | Indicator Circuit using Vibration Sensor
Features :
- Very sensitive for seismic vibration i.e. detect earthquake more accurately.
- Dedicate LCD in-order to display the value of earthquake.
- Dedicated Alarm if the vibration exceed the threshold level.
6. Car Lock System using Arduino and GSM
- Ignition system and central lock of the car can be enabled or disabled manually.
- Information is transferred to mobile if one break its security system.
- Battery from car is used as power supply unit.
- With correct password one can toggle ignition lock.
7. Multiplexed 4 LCD Display using Arduino UNO
Features :
- Utilize less number of pin to drive the more LCD.
- Not using I2C technology
- Uses only 12 pin to drive 4 different LCD and show 4 different message in each LCD.
8. Arduino Based Car Reverse Alarm
Features :
- Detect obstacle while one reverse the car.
- 10 level of obstruction measurement i.e. show you how far the obstacle is from back of your car.
- Dedicated alarm system if obstacle is close enough.
9. Automatic wiper for Automobile using Arduino and Rainsensor
Features :
- Monitor the intensity of rain fall.
- Automatic control the Wiper connected connected to servo motor.
- Also show the intensity of rain fall in LCD.
10. Metal Detector Circuit using Arduino
Features :
- Can detect metallic abject like metal coins, iron ore, aluminum or silver and gold.
- Can also be used in the place when detecting metal is mandatory like airport.
- Audio and visual indication of metal detection.
11. LED Matrix Display using Arduino
Features :
- 35 LEDs is used to make 7×5 Multiplexed Display.
- Dedicated 7 transistor for dedicated row.
- Low power consumption, and custom message.
12. Arduino based Bluetooth Controlled Car
Features :
- One can control the car using your mobile phone over bluetooth.
- Dedicated software for your car control.
- Can make your own in an hour or in two.
Video link : Youtube Link
13. Arduino Gesture Controlled Robot
Features :
- Gesture control robot (accelerometer based).
- 433 MHz for communication link instead of bluetooth.
- Inbuilt obstacle detectors.
14. Arduino and RF Controlled Robot
Features :
- Dedicated Transmitter circuit (no arduino board in transmitter circuit).
- 433 MHz communication link.
- 4 Dedicated switch for forward, back, right and left.
15. Arduino and ESP8622 Based Web Server
Features :
- Making Dedicated board and cab be programmed standalone.
- Dedicated server using ESP8266.
- Monitor temperature of room and for prototype can control the LED over internet.

16. Arduino Based Data Logger (Temperature)
Features :
- Data is stored in SD Card for further processing.
- Temperature is stored in definite interval of time.
- Dedicated RTC module in order store the temperature at time.
17. Fingerprint Attendance System using Arduino
Features :
- This project utilize finger thumb impression for attendance.
- Uses matching algorithm in order to take attendance.
- Dedicated audio and visual indication for matched and un-matched.
Making Video Link : Youtube Link
18. Arduino Based Automatic Call Answering Machine
Features :
- Answer the call with pre-recorded message when we are unable to attain the call.
- Made using Voice module and can record the voice up to 20 sec.
- Start to play the pre-recorded message after three rings.
19. Arduino Based Music Player
Features :
- Can play music direct from SD card.
- Contains amplifier thus you can directly play in speaker.
- Dedicated button for next and play/pause for music.
20. Earthquake Detector using Arduino
Features :
- Accelerometer based earthquake detection
- manually adjustment of sensitivity i.e. can be increased and decreased using two dedicated switch.
- In case of emergency it will automatic switch ON and switch OFF the appliance.
21. Countdown Timer Using Arduino
Features :
- It store the time electronically and display it simultaneously.
- Utilize 7-segment display instead of LCD for better visual.
- For time adjustment rotary encoder is used instead of switch.
22. Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock
Features :
- Provide better security because it uses fingerprint impression.
- Solenoid provide better lock security.
- Used fingerprint matching algorithm.
Making Video Link: Youtube Link
23. Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino
Features :
- It monitor linear velocity, displacement or acceleration regularly.
- When accident occur it send the location and further message to the defined mobile number.
- A LCD is used in this project for prototype and adjustment to see the real reading.
24. Arduino and RFID Based Attendance System
Features :
- It take attendance and store start time and end time.
- Admin have various control like delete log using dedicated switch.
- Dedicated LED and buzzer for indication valid and invalid RFID card.
25. Arduino and RFID based Door Access System
Features :
- Equipped with solenoid lock thus provide better security.
- When valid card is detected it open the door lock.
- Different LEDs are used for indicating different status like ready, warning.
26. DIY Breathalyzer using Arduino and MQ-3 Sensor Module
Features :
- It is used to detect the alcohol with different level.
- 10 dedicated LEDs are used to show the level of alcohol.
- Simple circuit and simple program thus easy to understand.
27. Arduino FM Receiver Circuit using TEA5767
Features :
- Dedicated audio amplifier circuit to get better audio output.
- Two switch are used to scan the FM channel.
- Dedicated LCD is used to indicate various parameter like channel details.
28. DIY 5×3 matrix keypad for arduino
Features :
- Making customize keyboard for arduino project (5×3)
- Overcome the error of results due to simultaneous multiple pressing of switch.
- Dedicated keyboard which would be ideal for any personal uses.
29. Arduino Digital Clock using DS3231 Pi Module
Features :
- More accurate time then DS1307 module.
- LCD for displaying date and time.
Making Video Link: Youtube Link
30. Arduino Capacitance Meter Project
Features :
- This project can measure the value of capacitance from range pf pF to 1000 uF.
- Two approach for measurement for low value and high value capacitor.
- LCD for displaying value of capacitor.
Making Video Link: Youtube Link
31. Arduino Weighing Machine using HX711
Features :
- Interfacing weight sensor HX711 with arduino UNO board.
- Make your own weighing machine and measure the weight up to 50Kg.
- Calibrating weight machine to measure the weight.
32. Arduino Controlled Variable Power Supply
Features :
- Dedicated connector for fixed and variable power supply (two for fixed and one for variable).
- Provide high current (3 Amp.) constantly for long period of time.
- Can be idea for charging battery as well as providing constant power supply.
33. Sound Level Meter Circuit using Arduino
Features :
- Measure intensity of sound using arduino uno board.
- In build amplifier to provide necessary amplification.
- LCD is used to indicate the intensity of sound.
34. Universal Arduino IR Receiver Circuit
Features :
- Can be used to control any electrical and electronic appliance over remote.
- Every appliance can be controlled using single remote.
Making Video Link : YouTube Link
35. Christmas Music and Decoration using Arduino
Features :
- By using this project you can play three different Christmas music.
- It also have lighting effect using different color led.
- Jingle Bell Jingle Bell, wish you merry Christmas and Santa Claus is coming to town.
Video Link : YouTube
36. Ultrasonic Water Level Meter
Features :
- Wireless wireless water level measurement instead of electrode.
- Uses 433MHz channel for communication between transmitter and receiver.
- Receiver with display can be placed anywhere user found easy.
37. Arduino FM Transmitter
Features :
- High area range of coverage (i.e. 50M).
- Can be used to transmit voice and music over FM.
- Simple circuit and uses very less components.
38. Dark Sensor using Arduino
Features :
- Automatic switch on and off the appliance according to intensity of light.
- Can be used for security purpose, (Sounds piezo buzzer when dark is detected).
- Simple circuit and easy to understand.
39. Soil Moisture Meter using Arduino
Features :
- Detect the moisture level of soil.
- Result is displayed in 16×2 LCD.
- Sensitivity of soil can be adjusted.
40. Arduino VU Meter
Features :
- Used to show the level of volume in LCD.
- Used for two distinct audio channel i.e. LEFT Channel and Right Channel.
- Used to compare the left and right channel sound.
41. Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino
Features :
- Automatic control the speed of fan according to the temperature of room.
- No need of extra motor drive circuit, uses it’s own transistor to drive the motor.
- LCD is used to indicate the temperature and speed of fan.
42. High Powered Strobe Light Using Arduino
Features :
- This project uses six high power Luxeon LED, hence more brightness.
- Uses FET as switch instead of bi-polar transistor.
- Variable resistor is used to select the timing for switch on and off the LEDs.
43. Sound VU Meter Using Arduino
Features :
- Two distinct mode of measuring the intensity of sound.
- Ten level of audio measurement.
- In basic level output is flicker while in advance mode led glow at max. audio level.
44. Dynamic Temperature Indicator and Controller Using Ardunio
Features :
- Temperature indication as well as temperature controlling.
- Thermistor based temperature indication.
- Closed loop system for efficient and fast.
45. Tune Player Using Arduino
Features :
- Automatic tune player, generate analog output from digital output.
- Op-amp TDA7052 is used to amplify the PWM output to 1W.
46. Hypnotizer Using Arduino
Features :
- DIY hypnotizer used to hypnotizer the people.
- Very simple circuit and can be constructed using arduino and motor.
47. Arduino Based Lie Detector
Features :
- Simple lie detector used to detect whether one is speaking LIE or not.
- Measure the resistance of body and display the result.
- Integrated with piezo buzzer.
48. RGB Colour Generator using Arduino
Features :
- Different color generation using variable resistor and LED.
- Generate color with HEX code which can be further used in digital system.
- Dedicated LCD for indicating the HEX code.
49. Interfacing of Unipolar and Bipolar Stepper Motor with Arduino
Features :
- Interfacing of unipolar and bipolar motor with arduino.
- Pin identification and circuit of different motor.
Making video link : YouTube Link
50. LED Dice Using Arduino
Features :
- Ideal for playing Dice game like Ludo.
- Seven LED instead of 6 led becasue 7th LED is for ODD indication