ESP32 Based Real Time Corona Case Counter

world corona real time counter

Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is declared a pandemic by WHO. Almost all country is suffering and most of them are in a lockdown situation. Hundreds of thousands are infected and thousands are dead and this number is increasing exponentially. Only emergency services like hospitals, electricity, water supply are in operation with possible precautions. People are not allowed to step out of their homes. Some websites like Worldometers, Corona Virus Esri API show real-time corona cases, the number of recovers, deaths, etc. Based on the data displayed over this website we will…

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IOT Based Device Controlled with Security

IOT Based Device Controlled with Security

IoT is getting popular and better day to day, due to its advantage like remote control, user-friendly, securer control of appliance, etc. So, today in this article we are going to design an IoT Based Device Controlled with Security using Node MCU. The reason of selection Node MCU for this project is cheap, powerful as well as Arduino compatible. With the purposed design is shown below one can control different electrical devices securely. You can increase and decrease the number of devices according to your requirement with little modification in…

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How to Configure Arduino IDE for Node MCU

How to Configure Arduino IDE for Node MCU

Today in this article we will be going to show you “How to configure Arduino IDE for Node MCU” and also show you how to solve the uploading problem in NODE MCU. By default, we cannot program Node MCU using Arduino IDE, we have to configure our IDE. Here, we will show how to configure Arduino IDE for Node MCU step-wise. At first, let’s see what is Node MCU. Node MCU is an open-source development kit like Arduino board, it is a prototyping model which helps hobbyist and engineers. Node…

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Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231

author prototype of rtc and NTP clock

In the tutorial Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231, you will learn to make an accurate clock using the RTC module and NTP server. This circuit automatically updates the time of the RTC module from the network time protocol server. RTC module shows some time delay after some days/week, this is due to temperatures dependent oscillator used in this module. The external oscillator is more prone to temperature than an internal oscillator. DS3231 module has an internal oscillator that is less prone to temperature and humidity but still has…

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Appliance Control using IOT and AI Chatbot

IOT and AI based appliance control

IoT (Internet of thing) is one of the burning topics among electronic hobbyists and students due to its various advantage. There are many ways/devices with which you can interface your appliance with the internet, NODE MCU is one of them. Node MCU is very much popular due to its various advantage. Some of them are listed below. Thus we are going to make Appliance Control using IoT and AI Chatbot using NodeMCU. Smaller size and breadboard friendly Hardware and pinout are more like Arduino. Support API in Nodejs style thus…

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ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887

ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887

The project ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887 is built up using a PIC16F887 microcontroller (MCU), ESP8266 WiFi module, and a ThingSpeak API. Previously, we posted Arduino and ESP8266-based webservers and this project is somehow similar. Introduction to ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887 Here is a PIC16F887 microcontroller and ESP8266-based temperature logging system. The project; ‘ESP8266 Temperature Logger using PIC16F887 monitor’s the temperature of the vicinity simultaneously and provides details of the information collected. Well, the project also incorporates a modern concept; ThingSpeak which ensures safe storage and retrieval of data from…

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Arduino and ESP8622 Based Web Server

web page window of esp8266 based web server

A small, cheap, reliable device is making its way into technology. We call it the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which has reached almost everywhere. However, the fact that its related information on datasheets and documents are provided in the Chinese language; Mandarin makes the implementation process complicated. As a solution, people have opted for the ESP8266 community forum which discusses issues users of this module tackle while programming this module. This small wifi-chip ESP8266 constitutes a built-in 32-bit low-power CPU. The chip itself can be employed as a stand-alone device or…

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