Arduino Digital Clock using DS3231 Pi Module

arduino digital clock thumbnail

We are getting about how to make the digital clocks more accurate and precise even at varying parameters like temperature and humidity. Generally, in the market, if we go for buying the RTC module we will find the DS1307 module more simply. As DS1307 module is more prone to external temperature variation because it uses an external crystal oscillator circuit as a result the accuracy of the timekeeping changes. While designing a LED board for my college, I suffered from a time accuracy problem. After a few days, time…

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DIY 5×3 matrix keypad for arduino

diy 5x3 matrix keypad for arduino

In this tutorial we are going to design a customized DIY 5×3 matrix keypad for arduino using tactile switch and small signal diode 1N4148. Many microcomputer/ Arduino system designs require some type of a keypad as an input device. Some time we required customized key for our own project rather then conventional available matrix keypad (4×4 or 4×3) in market. What if we require the key for other operation like left, right, up, down and ok operation. The outlook of the project may not be sophisticated if we had used…

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Arduino Capacitance Meter Project

arduino capacitance meter prototype

In this project you will learn how to make your own arduino capacitance meter (measure the value of capacitor from the range of pF to 1000’s uF). Generally, electronic hobbyist love to design their own gadget rather than buy. In this project we are using two approach for capacitance measurement i.e. charging and discharging approach arduino capacitance meter and multivibrator approach arduino capacitance meter. For measuring low value capacitor, we are using charging and discharging approach and for measuring high value capacitor we are using multivibrator approach. So, before starting…

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Arduino Weighing Machine using HX711

arduino weighing machine

How to interface Load Cell with Arduino? How to make your very own Arduino Weighing Machine? Today, in this article you will learn about interfacing of Load Cell with Arduino and finally make your own Arduino Weighing Machine. This project is designed to weigh up to 50 Kg (depending upon the load cell you are using) accurately and efficiently. Components Required for Arduino Weighing Machine Arduino UNO Board x 1 16×2 Alphanumeric LCD x 1 Load Cell x 1 HX711 Module x 1 10K variable Resistor x 1 4.7K Resistor…

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Arduino Controlled Variable Power Supply

arduino controlled variable power supply circuit

We all know that the power supply is the most basic unit of any electric/electronics circuit. The mostly electronic project, we have seen SLA batteries are often used, but they drain and we cannot get all-day performance. It is better to use the battery for backup rather than the main power supply. Another problem with using the battery is, when we draw high current constantly it becomes hot, it might create some serious issue, don’t think about this care? Don’t worry, the circuit Arduino Controlled Variable Power Supply is designed…

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Arduino GPS Digital Clock

gps clock

GPS (Global Positioning System) is getting more popular these days because of its application and uses in electronic project. Today, we are going to build a digital cock solely based on GPS module. The project “Arduino GPS Digital Clock” collects information from the satellite in the form of 70-character long string and show only date and time. In this article we will show you how to extract exact date and time from the string ($GPRMC) that received by GPS Module. Components used in Arduino GPS Digital Clock Arduino UNO Board…

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Smart Dustbin using Arduino Uno

smart dustbin circuit using arduino uno

Dustbin have been important part of our life. But, the issue we have to deal is its open cap. Due to this open cap, insect and flies visit the garbage and also the same flies roam around out kitchen or lunch buffet. This leads to serious health issue. In order to solve this issue, we had design here a Smart Dustbin using Arduino Uno. This smart dustbin automatic open its cap when we pass our hand above it. Component Required for Smart Dustbin usign Arduino Uno Arduino Uno Board Servo…

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Earthquake detector | Indicator Circuit using Vibration Sensor

earthquake detector output 1

Earthquake Detector Circuit using Vibration Sensor Here, in this article you will find step by step tutorial on earthquake detector and indicator circuit using vibration sensor which detect the seismic vibration of earth and alert by generation beep sound. Previously, we had already posted two different projects on earthquake detection and indication Earthquake detector using arduino an acceleration Earthquake alarm Earthquake detector using arduino utilize accelerometer in order to detect seismic vibration where earthquake alarm uses geo-mechanical detector. But in the project posted here utilize piezo vibration sensor for MEAS…

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Car Lock System using Arduino and GSM

car lock system using arduino and gsm

Security is a major concern in today’s world. Criminal minded people, who find robbing as a better way of earning, are increasing more day by day. Previously, we had posted Accident Detection and alert system using arduino which also works on same logic. Automobiles are more vulnerable to theft since there are tons of vehicles left unused and the fact that each part of the system provides quite a good amount of money makes it more fascinating. Among many other automobiles, cars top the list of being stolen globally. Thieves…

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Multiplexed 4 LCD Display using Arduino UNO

interfacing of 4 lcd using arduino

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) are activated by an AC signal across s selected display segment; this feature is included in the LCD module itself. In addition to the standard data input, there is also a display frequency input terminal. The circuit “Multiplexed 4 LCD Display using Arduino UNO” can drive most LCD display. This circuit is used in auto dash board displays, panel meter, wall and table clocks, calculator. In this article we are going to show, how to make 16×8 display using four 16×2 display by using common data…

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