Arduino Based Caller ID for Bike

author prototype of Arduino Based Caller ID for Bike

This article shows you how to make caller ID for two wheeler’s i.e. bike or scooter. This caller ID display cell phone number when any one call you or when you call anyone while riding bike or scooter. Sometime It is difficult to identify the caller while riding two-wheeler vehicles because usually we keep our mobile either in pocket or in bag. Sometime even we get confused whether the vibration is of vehicle or of mobile. By using this simple device one can know about caller and can easily distinguished…

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Arduino Color Sensor Project using TCS230

author prototype of arduino color sensor project

This article shows you how to make arduino color sensor project using TCS230 color sensor. This project can detect almost all color according to their wave length and display it on 16×2 LCD. If we talk about the application of this project, you can use in color shorting or color matching projects, line following robot (if path is other than black and white), multi-color strip reading etc. What is TCS230 Color Sensor? This module consists 8×8 array of photodiode which detect the color and produce corresponding frequency (Square wave). So,…

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Arduino Alarm Clock with Time Setting

author prototype of Arduino Alarm Clock with Time Setting

In the post-Arduino alarm clock with time setting you will learn to make a digital clock using the RTC DS3231 module with alarm and temperature indication facility. Previously, we had already posted various types of clock circuits using Arduino and RTC DS3231 like “Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231”, “Arduino Digital Clock using DS3231 Pi Module“. Before starting to circuit part and software code part let’s see its features: Features of Arduino alarm clock with time setting Display date and time (day and second indication). Alarm time setting Display…

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Arduino MOSFET LED Driver Circuit

led strip driver author prototype

In the tutorial Arduino MOSFET LED driver circuit, you will learn to make your MOSFET Driver for any higher power appliance like LED Strip, high power DC motor, etc. We all know that we need a driver circuit to control high-power appliances like DC motors, electrical appliances, etc. So, here we are using MOSFET to control the operation of the LED strip. If you want to know more about MOSFET, its type, Symbol, application, and characteristic curve please do read the previous article on MOSFET | Types of MOSFET |…

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Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231

author prototype of rtc and NTP clock

In the tutorial Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231, you will learn to make an accurate clock using the RTC module and NTP server. This circuit automatically updates the time of the RTC module from the network time protocol server. RTC module shows some time delay after some days/week, this is due to temperatures dependent oscillator used in this module. The external oscillator is more prone to temperature than an internal oscillator. DS3231 module has an internal oscillator that is less prone to temperature and humidity but still has…

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Top 50 Arduino Based Projects

top 50 arduino based projects

Top 50 Arduino Based Projects: The popularity of Arduino Platform is at most because of  its user friendly interface, easy to program, cheap, small size. For electronic hobbyist arduino platform become dream come true due to its plug and play option. Thus, we are going to compile Top 50 Arduino Based Projects posted in This project list include all those popular arduino based project posted in this website. The impact of arduino platform is felt not only in all branch science and engineering but in the life of ordinary…

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Appliance Control using IOT and AI Chatbot

IOT and AI based appliance control

IoT (Internet of thing) is one of the burning topics among electronic hobbyists and students due to its various advantage. There are many ways/devices with which you can interface your appliance with the internet, NODE MCU is one of them. Node MCU is very much popular due to its various advantage. Some of them are listed below. Thus we are going to make Appliance Control using IoT and AI Chatbot using NodeMCU. Smaller size and breadboard friendly Hardware and pinout are more like Arduino. Support API in Nodejs style thus…

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DIY Arduino Controlled Guitar Pedal

DIY Arduino Controlled Guitar Pedal

DIY Arduino Controlled Guitar Pedal: Here in this article, you will learn how to design a programmable pedal for guitar using an Arduino UNO board. For understanding this project, you do not need deep knowledge of programming, digital signal processing, and electronic hardware. All you need is a little familiar with soldering and C programming. We have described the project in a very detailed and simple manner. This DIY Arduino Controller Guitar pedal is designed for hobbyists and those who took interest in music and guitar. Features of DIY Arduino…

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Arduino Controlled 12V battery charger circuit

ardunio controlled 12v battery charger circuit

Arduino is an open-source that is designed for artists or for those who do not have an electronic background. Here, in this article, we are going to show you the method of making a battery charger circuit controlled using an Arduino uno board. The project Arduino Controlled 12V battery charger circuit is an advanced version of the previous posted project “12V, 7Ah Smart Battery Charger with PCB Diagram”. This charger also has the features of bulk stage charging and float stage charging as in the previous circuit. Silent features of…

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Interfacing of Unipolar and Bipolar Stepper Motor with Arduino

interfacing of stepper motor with arduino

In this article we are going to interface unipolar and bipolar stepper motor and arduino using ULN2003 and L293D. The motor we are going to interface are MITSUMI M42SP-4NP stepping motor and 28BYJ-48 steeper motor Introduction Stepping motor | Interfacing of Unipolar and Bipolar Stepper Motor with Arduino An electric motor that rotates in a series of equal steps, each step controlled by a digital input signal, stepping motor are used in most electromechanical devices. Also called stepper motor. A stepper motor is an incremental motion machine i.e. the motor which…

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