LM35: How to get Stable Temperature Reading

author prototype of how to get stable output

One of the most common analog temperature sensors used for temperature monitoring and controlling is LM35. According to the manufacturer, LM35 is a precise centigrade temperature sensor, but the reality is a bit different when we directly wire this sensor with Arduino. There are various reasons for fluctuation in output. Here in the article ” LM35: How to get Stable Temperature Reading” we will address almost all the reasons and solving one by one. But before that let’s see how this sensor work. Basic Working of LM35 According to the…

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Temperature, Humidity and Heat Index Meter using Arduino

author prototype of temperature humidity and heat index meter

Temperature and humidity are one of the essential parameters of environment for various projects like greenhouse, home automation, weather station or other various industrial automation. Sometime we also need to find feel temperature or apparent temperature that we feel and it is called Heat Index. Heat Index can be defined as an index which accounts both air temperature and relative humidity of an environment. In this article we are going to build a temperature, humidity and heat index meter using arduino and DHT11. Circuit of Temperature, Humidity and Heat Index…

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Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt


In the project “Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt” you will learn how to control multiple appliance with two switches by using the concept of interrupt. In this prototype we are going to control four devices using two interrupt pin (switch). You can increase or decrease the number of devices according to your requirement but number of switches is same (two). When button is pressed, interrupt sun-routine is called and control algorithm runs. Features of Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt: Only two button switches are used to…

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Three Phase AC Voltage Measurement using Arduino

Three Phase AC Voltage Measurement using Arduino prototype

Today, in this article, you will learn how to make Three Phase AC Voltage Measurements using Arduino. At first, we will show you how to measure single-phase AC voltage and then measure three-phase AC voltage. Features of Three Phase AC Voltage Measurement using Arduino: Can measure AC voltage of any amplitude. Show individual phase voltage. LED indication for individual phase voltage. For the protection of the control board (Arduino Board), a variable resistor is used i.e. output voltage must not be more than 4.5V even when Zener diode burnout. Working…

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Sinusoidal Frequency Meter using Arduino

Sinusoidal Frequency Meter using Arduino

Today, in the article “Sinusoidal Frequency Meter using Arduino” you will learn how to measure the frequency of sinusoidal wave using arduino. With the purposed design one can measure sinusoidal frequency of about 20 Hz to 5KHz. Features of Sinusoidal Frequency Meter using Arduino Rectifier is used thus digital in natures. Optocoupler is used in order to isolate frequency circuit and control circuit and this optocoupler is also used to generate spike. Dedicated LCD for displaying frequency. Circuit Description of Sinusoidal Frequency Meter using Arduino Circuit of sinusoidal frequency meter…

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Arduino Based Temperature Controlled Fan

Arduino Based Temperature Controlled Fan author prototype

The project “Arduino Based Temperature Controlled Fan” is extended version of previous post “Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino”. Speed of fan depends upon the temperature it detect. This project has various features like: Features of Arduino Based Temperature Controlled Fan Automatic fan speed control according to temperature. Temperature and speed are displayed over LCD. Control Circuit and Load circuit is isolated using opto-isolator 4N35 i.e. more protection. High Power drive circuit i.e. can drive high power high voltage DC fan. Maximum temperature indication using glowing LED. Circuit Description of Arduino…

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Interfacing Optocoupler with Arduino

Interfacing Optocoupler with Arduino

Today in this tutorial we will see the interfacing optocoupler with Arduino (4N35 or MCT2E). Optocoupler is also called an optoisolator. But before that let’s see what an optoisolator or optocoupler is? What is Optocoupler or Opto-Isolator: Optocouplers or optical isolators are designed to electrically isolate one circuit from another while allowing one circuit to control the other. The usual purpose of isolation is to protect from high-voltage transient, surge voltages, and low-level electrical noise that could result in an erroneous output or damage to the device. Such isolators allow…

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Measuring Temperature using PT100 and Arduino

author prototype of Measuring Temperature using PT100 and Arduino

In this article, you will learn how to Measuring Temperature using PT100 and Arduino. PT100 is a platinum resistance thermometer, which changes its internal resistance according to temperature. In the name PT100, 100 represents ohm i.e. it offers 100-ohm at 00C. Similarly, PT1000 offers 1000-ohms at 00C. PT100 is widely used in industries because of its temperature range. From the nature of the resistance thermometer, we conclude that tolerance depends upon the range we are using it. When we used to measure temperature nearer to 00C (in both positive and…

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Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino

Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino author prototype

This article shows you how to design a high-power motor driver for Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino and relay. Previously, we had posted an Arduino-based Bluetooth-controlled car designed around L293D motor driver IC. There is some limitation of the L293D motor driver IC i.e. output current is limited to 600mA. What if you wish to drive a DC motor that consumes more than 1A? Let’s say 5A. For this, you need a more powerful circuit that delivers appropriate power to the motor. So, here you will learn how to make…

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Pause and Resume Arduino Program using Switch

Pause and Resume Arduino Program using Switch author prototype

Arduino is an open source and become famous in very short time, due to its powerful features and simplicity. Arduino comes as boon for inventor, artist etc. One can make their own system without having much knowledge about core electronics and assembly programming. In this article you will learn how to pause the code and resume using a push button switch. Sometime, we want our code to run only when user do some action like to press switch of get some value of sensor. Few years back while making game…

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