In this tutorial, you will learn how to make your relay switch circuit for Arduino in a few easy steps. We often see many electronics hobbyists especially Arduino users buy expensive relay modules instead of building their own. The general price of the relay module found in the market is about $2 but you can make your own for less than $0.70. In the tutorial Relay Switch circuit for Arduino, you will learn Relay and Operating principle Pin Identification of Relay Component value calculation and choosing the best for your…
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Arduino Weighing Machine using HX711
How to interface Load Cell with Arduino? How to make your very own Arduino Weighing Machine? Today, in this article you will learn about interfacing of Load Cell with Arduino and finally make your own Arduino Weighing Machine. This project is designed to weigh up to 50 Kg (depending upon the load cell you are using) accurately and efficiently. Components Required for Arduino Weighing Machine Arduino UNO Board x 1 16×2 Alphanumeric LCD x 1 Load Cell x 1 HX711 Module x 1 10K variable Resistor x 1 4.7K Resistor…
Read MoreArduino Controlled Variable Power Supply
We all know that the power supply is the most basic unit of any electric/electronics circuit. The mostly electronic project, we have seen SLA batteries are often used, but they drain and we cannot get all-day performance. It is better to use the battery for backup rather than the main power supply. Another problem with using the battery is, when we draw high current constantly it becomes hot, it might create some serious issue, don’t think about this care? Don’t worry, the circuit Arduino Controlled Variable Power Supply is designed…
Read MoreHigh Low Voltage Cutout Circuit
The protection of electrical and electronic appliances is the main concern these days. Some electronics appliance is very sensitive to voltage i.e. it only functions when adequate voltage is provided. Some appliances were even destroyed due to high and low voltage supply. To solve this type of issue we are posting a very simpler and more useful project called “High Low Voltage Cutout Circuit”. Previously we had already posted various types of appliance protecting circuits on like: Auto Cut Circuit for Over and Under Voltage High Current Regulator Circuit…
Read MoreBlown Fuse Indicator circuit
Blown fuse indicator circuit of the kind described here provides an ideal solution in such case. It indicates whether fuse is good or blown by generating audio alarm and glowing LED. Circuit Description and Working of Blown Fuse Indicator This circuit is based on 555 timer wired as an astable multivibrator. When the fuse is not blown, positive voltage is applied at junction P (IC’s pins 2 and 6) through R2 and D1. This holds the voltage at the junction above 2/3 Vcc and prevents the IC from oscillating. When…
Read MoreArduino GPS Digital Clock
GPS (Global Positioning System) is getting more popular these days because of its application and uses in electronic project. Today, we are going to build a digital cock solely based on GPS module. The project “Arduino GPS Digital Clock” collects information from the satellite in the form of 70-character long string and show only date and time. In this article we will show you how to extract exact date and time from the string ($GPRMC) that received by GPS Module. Components used in Arduino GPS Digital Clock Arduino UNO Board…
Read MoreSelf Resetting LDR Alarm using Timer IC 555
One of the most common projects made in electronics is burglar alarm or security alarm. If your search over the internet there are dozen of burglar or security alarms but the problem with this circuit is, it does not have a self-resetting option i.e. continuously sounds till someone switches off the system. Thus, in order to solve this type of problem (self-resetting) we have come with the project Self Resetting LDR Alarm using Timer IC 555. This circuit detects the interruption of light and produces sound for a definite interval…
Read MoreDelay Starter using 556 Dual Timer IC
Delay Starter using 556 Dual Timer IC: The systems using compressors such as air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers etc. are to be cared for properly to avoid damage to the compressor due to fluctuations in the line voltage. After switch off, if is switched on immediately, the compressor may fail. This is avoided by connecting it through DOL (direct on line) starter. The DOL starter trips the supply as the power fails. When the power resumes, the starter has to be started manually. But the presence of an operator round the…
Read MoreBattery Level Indicator
The circuit ‘Battery Level Indicator’ is simple, cheap, and compact. It can be used in emergency lights and other power supply circuits. We are using this simple circuit ‘battery level indicator’ for over a year and has found it works well in emergency light as well as battery charger circuit. We already indicate various battery voltage states using IC, this time we come with a little different concept and circuit for battery indication. Other battery level circuits posted in Battery Status indicator Circuit 10 Level Battery Charge Indicator Circuit…
Read MoreSingle Phase Preventer with Under/Over Voltage Cutout
For a 3-phase induction motor, all three phases of the supply must be present. If any of the phases is missing, or a fuse is blown, the motor will continue to run with two phases only. But in that case, it will draw a very large current, and it may burn unless switched off immediately. To solve this problem the project “Single Phase Preventer with Under/Over Voltage Cutout” is posted here. For the protection of a three-phase induction motor, various types of starters are utilized. But the problem with Starters…
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