Earthquake Detector using Arduino:- Circuit Diagram, working and circuit description with result and software code including library file of Earth Quake Detector They say, ‘Prevention is better than cure. This statement goes perfectly with the events whose probability of occurrence is highly possible. Earthquake is one such disaster that comes as an evil fate and sweeps away precious human lives and civilization, it is an unpredictable phenomenon whose occurrence cannot be avoided, but at least we can take measures to minimize the adverse effect of its consequences. In doing so,…
Read MoreGreenhouse Automation System | Automated Greenhouse
Greenhouse Automation System | Automated Green House: Complete Circuit Diagram using P89V51RD2 microcontroller, Source Code, Working Principle, and Complete Description  Introduction to Greenhouse Automation System | Automated Greenhouse Technologies have almost reached everywhere, be it in the technical fields or the agricultural fields. One of the specified sectors where this technology has created great impact is Green House, as we call it. Modern technologies are used to monitor certain environmental conditions which is a must to ensure optimum growth of plants in the greenhouse, enhanced crop productivity along proper utilization…
Read MoreClock Signal Generator Circuit
Circuit diagram of  Clock Generators using Astable Multivibrator,  Clock Generator using Timer IC 555,  Clock Generator Using Digital Inverter IC,  Clock Generator using OP-AMP Objectives of Clock Signal Generator You might have noticed a common thing in most digital integrated circuits, which is a frequent need for a continuous pulse train defined as a clock pulse for the precise operation of the circuit. Since most sequential logic devices such as flip-flops, counters, registers, etc. favor a synchronous mode of operation, the need for the clock is felt more pronounced in…
Read MoreCall Indicator Using MC68HC705J1A Microcontroller
Intercoms and calling bells fit properly only in the luxurious hotels, lodges and high class buildings. In small vicinity like small hotels, offices and clinics, these are not the correct options to choose for communication between the working/assisting staffs and people. It is all because of the cost and the fact that this provision can be made for limited number of points and other alternatives are chosen over it i.e. call indication systems. In early days, such call indications systems employed multiple distinct paths/cables to connect each call point to…
Read MoreSound Operated Intruder Alarm with Flash
Sound Operated Intruder Alarm with extra features like a flashlight, circuit diagram, description with working principle, and parts list. Introduction to Sound Operated Intruder Alarm with Flash If you have already gone through the previous project Op-amp 741 Based Sound operated Light on our website, then for you this project is a transformation of that generalized project into a specialized intruder’s alarm project. Why should one invest much effort, time, and money to recreate a new circuit when a slight modification to the existing project works fine? This is the core…
Read MoreOp-Amp 741 Based Sound Operated Light
Op-Amp 741 Based Sound Operated Light Circuit Diagram, Circuit Description with Working Principle and Parts List Introduction to Op-Amp 741 Based Sound Operated Light In contrast to where so far the technological development has brought us, this project might seem so plain, but it is a basic project that supports advanced projects, helps newcomers in the electronics field to understand the fundamentals, and being much economical provides extra credits to the users. This mini-project op-amp 741 Based Sound Operate Light builds up a small gadget/device which can be employed to turn…
Read MoreData Logger Using Computer
The project described here is a simple Data logger project using a computer that can be used in physics laboratories with the purpose to automate simple experiments or monitor slowly varying physical variables such as temperature. Physics can be interesting and boring at the same time. It might get boring for the reason that most of the physical parameters vary frequently with values or physical properties they execute and we lack the apparatus to measure them accurately. This leads us to the fact that we cannot get a precise measurement.…
Read MoreMonitoring System using AT89C51
Introduction to Monitoring System using AT89C51: Intercoms and calling bells fit properly only in the luxurious hotels, lodges, and high-class buildings. In small vicinities like small hotels, offices, and clinics, these are not the correct options to choose for communication between the working/assisting staff and people. It is all because of the cost and the fact that this provision can be made for a limited number of points. Here’s a simple and economical room-monitoring system that provides audio-visual identification of the call point. In addition to this, the system also…
Read MorePIC16F73 Based Temperature Indicator and Controller
PIC16F73 Based Temperature Indicator and Controller A normal thermometer gives an indication of the temperature. Focus on the fact ‘indication’, i.e. it only reads and displays the reading. Using this property, here we have presented a standalone digital thermometer that also controls the temperature of the heating element of a device according to its requirement, along with the temperature reading function. Â In order to transform our logic into practical implementation, we took the help of a Microcontroller (PIC16F73) which ensures dynamic and faster control. Additional components like temperature-controller knob and…
Read MoreLoad Protector Circuit and Remote Switching
Introduction | Load Protector Circuit and Remote Switching Have you ever noticed the number of devices used at your house to serve your purpose? There are many. These devices require a specified rate of power to operate. Maximum variations in voltage/ power and load can destroy most of the devices like inverters and UPS systems since it can cause excessive heating of the output transformer windings and the active driving device and thereby damage them. And, some domestic appliances also need to be protected against under/over-voltage. This particular circuit serves the…
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