Here is a 12V, 7Ah smart battery charger circuit which is also referred to as a smart charger uses three-stage of charging i.e. bulk stage, absorption stage, and float stage. Normal battery charger technology uses single-stage battery charging technology i.e. only charge the battery up to the maximum charging voltage preset by the charging circuit. Now here is a 12V, 7Ah smart battery charging circuit which is also referred to as a smart charger uses three-stage of charging i.e. bulk stage, absorption stage, and float stage. You may also like Arduino…
Read More9V DC to plus/minus 5V DC converter
Presented here is a simple circuit “9V DC to plus/minus 5V DC converter” that can convert a 9V battery to plus/minus 5V DC supply using LM7805 and ICL 7660. The operational amplifier requires a dual polarity power supply (+Ve and -Ve) because it has to swing on the output i.e. it does not swing into action during the negative cycle of signal if the negative source is not given. Thus, for the proper operation, we need a dual polarity power supply. Circuit Description of 9V DC to plus/minus 5V DC converter While…
Read MoreGPS Navigator Circuit using ATmega 16
The system “GPS Navigator Circuit using ATmega 16” is implemented to detect the position/location of anything under consideration, and hence it is suited for navigation activities. Introduction to GPS Navigator Circuit using ATmega 16 The term GPS has been so popular in recent times. The credit for its quick recognition is due to the list of multiple features this system offers. Elaborated as a Global positioning system (GPS) it has already been established as a reliable technology that has made our lives much easier. Just with the involvement of GPS, we…
Read MoreConversion of BCD Number to Binary Number in 8085
/*WAP to convert ten BCD numbers stored at 4350H to binary and store the result at 4360H*/ LXI SP,330AH ;initiate stack pointer LXI H,4350H ;pointer to input table of BCD number LXI B,4360H ;pointer to output table of equivalent binary NEXTBYTE: MOV A,M ;get BCD number CALL BCT_BIN ;call BCTB_BIN conversion subroutine STAX B ;store binary number to output table MOV A,L ;copy reg. L to reg. A CPI 59H ;compare it with value 59H JZ HALT ;if it is 59H, then we have processed 10 ;BCD numbers hence jump…
Read MoreElectronic Voting Machine Prototype Using C
Here, Today we gonna make a simple graphic-based project Electronic Voting Machine Prototype using C, which demonstrates the working of the electronic voting machine. This project shows the working principle, vote counting, and percentage calculation with the color full image. If you wish to make innovative projects either for your knowledge or for college projects, then this project is best for you. This project is tested on TurboC++ on Windows OS. We recommended you use TurboC++ (on window os) to run this project. Check out other interesting projects using C…
Read MoreLASER Demonstration Program using C
The objective of the ‘LASER Demonstration Program using C’ is to develop a graphic based system, which demonstrate the working and emission of laser. Here you will find the tutorial to build a LASER Demonstration Program. This project is very helpful to build a basic and experience on Graphics Programming using C. LASER stands for light amplification by simulated emission of radiation. The simulated emission is used for amplifying light waves. LASER light is coherent source. An atom can emit radiation by two different methods: spontaneous and stimulated emission. Characteristics…
Read MoreGPS and GSM based Vehicle Tracking System
The project GPS and GSM-based Vehicle Tracking System uses Global Positioning System (GPS) and global system for mobile communication (GSM), which makes this project more economic than implementing a communication system through GPS satellites in a two-way GPS communication system. Introduction to GPS and GSM based Vehicle Tracking System Tracking has now been a recent trend followed everywhere. This process helps us to collect details and at the same time prevent robbery of devices being tracked. The project ‘GPS and GSM based Vehicle Tracking System’ which employs a microcontroller as its…
Read MoreVoltage Rating of Capacitors
What is Voltage Rating of Capacitors? Voltage rating of capacitors :Capacitor are designed and manufactured to operate at a certain maximum voltage. This maximum voltage can be regard as working voltage (WV). A Capacitor (in other words Condenser) is a passive electrical device that can store electrical energy by accumulating electrons on its metallic surface separate by a finite distance filled with dielectric material like air, Bakelite etc. within the space between metallic surfaces. Nowadays, capacitor is an essential components of each and every circuit that are deign today. Neither…
Read MoreArduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock
The project “Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock” is simply fabricated around Arduino board. Not only to ensure door security, this project also make certain to assist in fields like forensics, crime investigation, personal identification, attendance system and there is a lot more. Introduction of Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock Recently, there has been recorded tremendous increase in the crime rate everywhere in the world. This issue is turning more severe every day. To get away with this problem, we decided to take help from technology and there this project “Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock”…
Read MoreMicrocontroller Based Solar Charger
The project ‘Microcontroller Based Solar Charger’ has been so popular, that everyone knows about it. Here we will discuss the construction details and areas where this project is applicable. With excessive non-renewable energy consumption, we humans are facing plentiful difficulties. Renewable sources of energy are considered our only hope to rise from this situation. Solar energy is one of them which have spread all over for its easy availability, effective cost, and reliability. The project, ‘Microcontroller Based Solar Charger’ is the finest example to demonstrate the easy utilization of resources…
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