Laser Based Communication Link

laser based communication link transmitter circuit

Communication is an essential part of our daily life. The project; “Laser-Based Communication Link” allows people at a distance of around 500 meters to communicate wirelessly through a laser. Various other laser-based projects posted on are:- (a) Speech Communication using Laser (b) Mini Laser Turret (c) Laser Voice Transmitter Circuit The project unlike other wireless media uses laser light from the transmitter torch as a carrier instead of RF signals used in the conventional system. At the receiver end, the phototransistor should be aligned in a line of sight position…

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50+ Verified Electronics Projects with PCB Layout

verified electronics projects

Verified Electronics Projects: Those practicing the art of engineering are concerned with numbers in all phases of their work. One area where the numbers become overwhelming is in the area of electronic projects and their parts. Although the integrated circuit (IC) has been a boon to the electronics engineers/hobbyists, the sheer number of parts almost requires the user of the electronic project to have research assistance as an associate, to be sure all electronic projects are available have been considered for use. Valuable time is often spent poring over the…

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Motor Controller Circuit for Washing Machine

motor controller circuit for washing machine using 555

Washing machines have been an important part of our daily life. But, the issues we have to deal with in a few months of using them make it more difficult. Previously, we had already posted the Automatic Washing Machine control circuit. It is because most of the washing machines have a single-phase motor incorporated in the system and the timing and direction of the motor are controlled by an external mechanical switch which gets worn out so easily and is not economical on the other hand. And, the project “Motor…

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Inverting Operational Amplifier with Voltage Shunt Feedback

basic circuit of inverting operational amplifier

The ideal inverting operational amplifier with voltage shunt feedback from output terminal to the inverting input terminal feedback impedance Z­f and with non-inverting terminal grounded configuration is shown is figure 1. 25+ verified electronics projects using op-amp 741. Description Inverting Operational Amplifier with Voltage Shunt Feedback This forms the basic inverting op-amp. It is “Inverting” because our signal input comes to the “-” input, and there has the opposite sign to the output. The feedback arrangement used here forms the voltage shunt feedback. Hence as per theory of feedback amplifiers,…

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Multiplexed 4 LCD Display using Arduino UNO

interfacing of 4 lcd using arduino

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) are activated by an AC signal across s selected display segment; this feature is included in the LCD module itself. In addition to the standard data input, there is also a display frequency input terminal. The circuit “Multiplexed 4 LCD Display using Arduino UNO” can drive most LCD display. This circuit is used in auto dash board displays, panel meter, wall and table clocks, calculator. In this article we are going to show, how to make 16×8 display using four 16×2 display by using common data…

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Cascading of Amplifier Stages

What is Cascading of Amplifier Stages? A single stage of amplifier can provide only a limited current gain or voltage gain. Most of the applications require much higher gain. Hence, we usually use several amplifier stages connected in cascade i.e. connected such that the output of one stage becomes the input to the next stage. Thus, a multistage amplifier or cascade amplifier may provide a higher voltage gain or current gain. Cascading of amplifier stages is usually done to increase the total gain of the amplifier. However, sometimes cascading is…

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Sound Level Meter Circuit using Arduino

sound meter circuit using arduino

The circuit posted here is of sound level meter using arduino uno board, microphone, Amplifier section and LCD module. The basic function of this project is to measure the intensity of sound and display the result in LCD module. This project can be used in any small closed room like living room, class room etc. The result of sound level is display in LCD module in decibel unit. Here, we had used normal microphone despite of any expensive microphone or sensor. We had already built a sound level meter using…

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Arduino Based Car Reverse Alarm

car reverse alarm using arduino

Arduino Based Car Reverse Alarm: We prefer to stay alert than to face the consequences as the result of our ignorance. They say, ‘Prevention is better than cure’ and this project; “Car Reversing alarm” serves us the right purpose. It is designed such that the device sounds an alarm as individual reverses a car for parking in a specific location and it detects any sort of obstacles there, that may create unwanted troubles. The device outputs audible sound wave as well as a visual indication to make the individual aware…

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Classification of Amplifiers

block diagram of operational amplifier

Amplifiers may be classified or Classification of Amplifiers in several ways as described below: According to the Frequency Range | Classification of Amplifiers Thus amplifiers may be classified as below: DC (Direct coupled) Amplifiers from zero frequency (dc) onwards. Audio Frequency Amplifiers 20 Hz to 20 KHz Video Frequency Amplifiers up-to a few MHz. Radio Frequency (RF) Amplifiers from a few KHz to hundreds of MHz. Ultra-high Frequency (UHF) and Microwave Amplifier up-to hundred or thousands of MHz. According to the method of operation | Classification of Amplifiers The position of the…

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Approximate h-model of CE, CB, CC amplifier

equivalent circuit using exact h-model of ce amplifier

Approximate h-model: In the analysis of the transistor amplifier, we have as far used the exact h-model for the transistor. In practice, we may conveniently use an approximately h-model for the transistor which introduces an error of < 10% in most cases. This much error may be conveniently tolerated since the h-parameters themselves are not steady but vary considerably for the same type of transistor. We first derive this approximate CE h-model. Figure 1 gives the equivalent circuit of the CE amplifier using the exact h-model for the CE transistor.…

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