Logarithmic Amplifier using Diode and Transistor It produces output that is proportional to the logarithmic input It is a non-linear amplifier used for amplification or compression of a wide range of input signals for better resolution. It can be used direct DB display on a spectrum analyzer. You may also like: Antilogarithmic Amplifier Log Amplifier using a Single Diode and Op-Amp The circuit arrangement for the logarithmic amplifier/converter is illustrated in figure 1. Here a silicon diode D is connected in the feedback path and the current via the diode…
Read MoreEarthquake detector | Indicator Circuit using Vibration Sensor
Earthquake Detector Circuit using Vibration Sensor Here, in this article you will find step by step tutorial on earthquake detector and indicator circuit using vibration sensor which detect the seismic vibration of earth and alert by generation beep sound. Previously, we had already posted two different projects on earthquake detection and indication Earthquake detector using arduino an acceleration Earthquake alarm Earthquake detector using arduino utilize accelerometer in order to detect seismic vibration where earthquake alarm uses geo-mechanical detector. But in the project posted here utilize piezo vibration sensor for MEAS…
Read MoreInstrumentation Amplifier | Derivation | Advantage
This article is all about instrumentation amplifier, its derivation, configuration, advantage and disadvantage. We had also try to describe different types of instrumentation amplifier like single op-amp based instrumentation amplifier, instrumentation amplifier using two and three op-amp. The electrical transducer low level output signal often require to be amplified before further processing and this task is usually get accomplish by use of instrumentation amplifier. There are several important characteristics of an instrumentation amplifier that set it apart from operational amplifier. Instrumentation amplifier have finite gain which is selectable within precise value…
Read MoreCar Lock System using Arduino and GSM
Security is a major concern in today’s world. Criminal minded people, who find robbing as a better way of earning, are increasing more day by day. Previously, we had posted Accident Detection and alert system using arduino which also works on same logic. Automobiles are more vulnerable to theft since there are tons of vehicles left unused and the fact that each part of the system provides quite a good amount of money makes it more fascinating. Among many other automobiles, cars top the list of being stolen globally. Thieves…
Read MoreTouch Switch Circuit using Transistor
Today, I have come up with another simple but very applicable project ‘Touch Switch Circuit using Transistor’. With this simple project, you can modify your existing electrical/ electronic appliance with a modern touch facility. A few days earlier I bought a reading lamp from one of the Chinese stores, the design of the Chinese product is quite impressive. The thing that motivates me to write this post is touch facilities i.e. you can on and off the lamp by simply touching the touch plate. The circuit posted here used two…
Read MoreInterface 4×4 Keypad and ATmega32 with Single Pin
How to interface the 4×4 keypad and atmega32 with a single pin? While working with most of the electronic projects, you might have noticed one thing in common; they involve several multiple connections between the components used and the microcontroller. Well, it does seem a necessity too, since doing some hardware work in a certain way is not a piece of cake. Because of this, we are compelled to remove some components or include an additional microcontroller in the project which makes it bulkier and less convenient. To address this…
Read MoreApplication of Op-Amp
What are the application of op-amp (operational amplifier)? Op-Amp may perform numerous mathematical operations; hence the name operational amplifier. We here consider some of the applications of Op-Amp. Thus, consider the ideal inverting Op-Amp of figure 1 with voltage shunt feedback through Zf. Equation 1 may be used to secure various operations as analog inverter and paraphase amplifier, scale changer, phase shifter, analog adder, current-to-voltage converter etc. …..(1) Analog Inverter and Paraphase Amplifier: In Figure 1, Let Z1 = Zf, then AVf = -1 and V0 =…
Read MoreResistance Capacitance Coupled or R.C. Coupled Amplifier
Resistance Capacitance Coupled or R.C. Coupled Amplifier Figure 1 gives the circuit of a two-stage common emitter R.C. coupled amplifier while figure 2 gives the circuit of a two-stage common source (CS) FET R.C. coupled amplifier. Typical component values are also indicated. In both amplifier circuits of Figure 1 and 2, X1 and Y1 are the input and output terminals of the first stage. The output at Y1 is coupled to the input X2 of the second stage through a coupling capacitor Cb2. This capacitor serves another function of blocking…
Read MoreVU Meter Circuit using ATmega32
A Volume Unit (VU) meter is a standard device that represents the signal level in audio equipment. This project “VU Meter Circuit using ATmega32” makes the representation process much easier since it avoids the use of any physical medium to establish the connection between the audio equipment or audio source and the circuit of the project. This way we can eliminate the hassle of using more components. It uses a bar graph LED for a visual representation of the audio. ATmega32 is an 8-bit AVR (Alf and Vegard’s RISC processor,…
Read MoreAutomatic Fence Lighting with Alarm
Today, in this article we are going to teach you how to make an automatic fence lighting circuit with an alarm using op-amp 741 and timer IC 555. Fence lighting is used for security purposes and can be used at various places like door alarms, pathway alarms, etc. where monitoring is required. Various types of fence lighting circuits are already available over the internet but the problem with that circuits is they required high precision alignment. To overcome this problem, we designed a very sensitive automatic fence lighting circuit. We…
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