Automatic Submersible Pump Controller Circuit

Automatic submersible pump controller circuit

The automatic submersible pump controller circuit posted here is used to automate the operation of an electrical submersible pump (ESP) based on the level of water in the overhead tank. The Automatic submersible pump controller circuit can be used as a standalone system and can be interfaced with the existing manual control panel. Introduction to electrical submersible pump (ESP) Electrical submersible pumps, often called ESP are single or multiple-stage radial flow pressure series impeller pumps that are closely coupled to the motor for low and medium heads. ESPs are efficient…

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Adjustable Dual Timer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

author prototype of dual timer device

Timer IC 555 is one of the most versatile and most used IC because of it’s much more application like PWM amplifier, delay timer, switching circuit, duty cycle selector, clock pulse generator etc. This can also be used in various application like accurate timing, sequential timing, time-delay generation etc. The project Adjustable Dual Timer Circuit using 555 Timer IC is also one of the applications of 555 timer IC. By using this project one can switch two different appliance one after another for adjustable timing (1 Minute to 10 minutes).…

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Three Phase Power Surge Protector Circuit

three phase surge protector circuit

Three are two types of electrical/electronics appliances based on the main supply it requires. Generally, heavy electrical equipment requires a three-phase main supply for working. Three-phase mains supply has three different phases each are placed at 1200 angle with each other. In this post, you will learn how to design a three-phase power surge protector circuit using timer IC 555. A three-phase electrical appliance is expensive and requires all phase supplies, if voltage fluctuates or fails in any phase operation of the appliance may malfunction or become dead. In order…

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Arduino Capacitance Meter Project

arduino capacitance meter prototype

In this project you will learn how to make your own arduino capacitance meter (measure the value of capacitor from the range of pF to 1000’s uF). Generally, electronic hobbyist love to design their own gadget rather than buy. In this project we are using two approach for capacitance measurement i.e. charging and discharging approach arduino capacitance meter and multivibrator approach arduino capacitance meter. For measuring low value capacitor, we are using charging and discharging approach and for measuring high value capacitor we are using multivibrator approach. So, before starting…

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High Low Voltage Cutout Circuit

high low voltage cutout circuit

The protection of electrical and electronic appliances is the main concern these days. Some electronics appliance is very sensitive to voltage i.e. it only functions when adequate voltage is provided. Some appliances were even destroyed due to high and low voltage supply. To solve this type of issue we are posting a very simpler and more useful project called “High Low Voltage Cutout Circuit”. Previously we had already posted various types of appliance protecting circuits on like: Auto Cut Circuit for Over and Under Voltage High Current Regulator Circuit…

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Blown Fuse Indicator circuit

blown fuse indicator circuit

Blown fuse indicator circuit of the kind described here provides an ideal solution in such case. It indicates whether fuse is good or blown by generating audio alarm and glowing LED. Circuit Description and Working of Blown Fuse Indicator This circuit is based on 555 timer wired as an astable multivibrator. When the fuse is not blown, positive voltage is applied at junction P (IC’s pins 2 and 6) through R2 and D1. This holds the voltage at the junction above 2/3 Vcc and prevents the IC from oscillating. When…

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Self Resetting LDR Alarm using Timer IC 555

self resetting ldr alarm using timer ic 555

One of the most common projects made in electronics is burglar alarm or security alarm. If your search over the internet there are dozen of burglar or security alarms but the problem with this circuit is, it does not have a self-resetting option i.e. continuously sounds till someone switches off the system. Thus, in order to solve this type of problem (self-resetting) we have come with the project Self Resetting LDR Alarm using Timer IC 555. This circuit detects the interruption of light and produces sound for a definite interval…

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Delay Starter using 556 Dual Timer IC

delay starter using 556 dual timer IC

Delay Starter using 556 Dual Timer IC: The systems using compressors such as air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers etc. are to be cared for properly to avoid damage to the compressor due to fluctuations in the line voltage. After switch off, if is switched on immediately, the compressor may fail. This is avoided by connecting it through DOL (direct on line) starter. The DOL starter trips the supply as the power fails. When the power resumes, the starter has to be started manually. But the presence of an operator round the…

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Automatic Fence Lighting with Alarm

automatic fence lighting circuit with alarm

Today, in this article we are going to teach you how to make an automatic fence lighting circuit with an alarm using op-amp 741 and timer IC 555. Fence lighting is used for security purposes and can be used at various places like door alarms, pathway alarms, etc. where monitoring is required. Various types of fence lighting circuits are already available over the internet but the problem with that circuits is they required high precision alignment. To overcome this problem, we designed a very sensitive automatic fence lighting circuit. We…

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Motor Controller Circuit for Washing Machine

motor controller circuit for washing machine using 555

Washing machines have been an important part of our daily life. But, the issues we have to deal with in a few months of using them make it more difficult. Previously, we had already posted the Automatic Washing Machine control circuit. It is because most of the washing machines have a single-phase motor incorporated in the system and the timing and direction of the motor are controlled by an external mechanical switch which gets worn out so easily and is not economical on the other hand. And, the project “Motor…

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