The concept of pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) has been introduced in this article. Still, there are a few specifics regarding the creation of pulse amplitude modulated signal at the output of a sample-and-hold circuit that necessitates discussion. There are two basic sampling techniques used to create a PAM signal. The first is natural sampling. Natural sampling is when the tops of the sampled waveform (the sampled analog input signal) retain their natural shape. An example of natural sampling is shown in figure 1(a). Notice that one side of the analog…
Read MoreDifferent Ways Of Joining Metals Without Welding
Welding is an important process in metal machining services, but have you ever thought about alternate methods to join metals without welding? Joining metals without welding is a process that can be done through a variety of methods. In this blog post, we will take a look at three common methods of joining metals without welding. These methods are riveting, brazing, and soldering. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the right method for the job. Let’s take a closer look at each…
Read MoreInterfacing P10 LED Display with Arduino
The P10 LED display is a single color (red, blue, and yellow), high brightness, lower power consumption, and long lifetime display module designed for semi-outdoor use. One display module we are using contains 16×32 = 512 LEDs. In the tutorial “Interfacing P10 LED Display with Arduino“, you will learn: How to interface P10 Led display with Arduino How to select text font and size of the character How to display static character and running character. Introduction to P10 Display P10 display is a dot-matrix LED display. Dot-matrix Led means a…
Read MoreCapabilities and Limitation of Sample and Hold Circuit
Introduction to Sample-and-Hold Circuit Most analogs to digital converter (A/D) integrated circuits come with sample and hold circuits (S/H) integrated into the system, but it is still necessary for the user to have a good understanding of its operation, including both the capabilities and the limitations of the Sample and hold circuit. A typical S/H circuit is shown in Figure 1. The analog signal is typically inputted into a buffer circuit. The purpose of the buffer circuit is to isolate the input signal from the S/H circuit and to provide…
Read MorePWM DC Motor Speed Controller Circuit
In the article “PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Circuit” article, we will learn, how to control motor speed using a comparator IC. This circuit has an advantage over a normal motor speed controller using 555 timer IC i.e. it protects MOSFETs from short-circuits. This speed control is accomplished in three phases using two methods: variable switching frequency and variable pulse width modulation. The phases are explained as follows: We will first produce square wave pulses of the necessary frequency i.e. switching frequency. We will create PWM pulses of the required…
Read MoreDelta Modulation | Delta Modulation Comparison
Delta modulation (DM), sometimes called slope modulation, is another truly digital system (as is PCM). It transmits information to only indicate whether the analog signal it encodes is to “go up” or “go down.” This process is shown in Figure 1. Note that the encoder outputs are highs or lows that “instruct” whether to go up or go down, respectively. The relative simplicity of this system is readily apparent as compared to PCM. Delta modulation takes advantage of the fact that voice signals do not change abruptly and there is…
Read MoreDigital Signal Encoding Formats
Digital Signal Encoding Formats: Transmission of digital data using a binary format (+5 V-hi, 0.0 V-low) is usually limited to short distances such as a computer to a printer interface. Typically the binary data are transmitted serially over a single wire, fiber, or RF link. This requires that the binary data be encoded in such a way that highs and lows can easily be detected. The transmission systems typically use a serial transmission system that is either asynchronous or synchronous. This requires the addition of clocking information in the data…
Read MoreHow to Setup Digital Programmable Timer TM-612
How to Setup Digital Programmable Timer TM-612 Performing a simple task like turning ON/OFF a system every day just by pressing a button can become tedious when you have to travel long distances to do it. This can cost time and sometimes even money if there are hurdles when traveling. So, introducing “TM-619-2” from Frontier, A Multipurpose 7 Day Programmable Digital Timer. This digital timer has a wide range of power supply options: – 240Vac main supply, 120Vac main supply, 24Vac or 24Vdc, 12Vac or 12Vdc. The digital timer comes…
Read MoreCode Error Detection and Correction
Codes and raw digital data are being transmitted with increasing volume every year. Unless some means of code error detection are used, it is not possible to know when errors have occurred. These errors are caused by noise and transmission system impairments. In contrast, it is obvious when a voice transmission has been impaired by noise or equipment problems. Redundancy is used as the means of error detection when codes and digital data are transmitted. A basic redundancy system is to transmit everything twice and to make sure that an…
Read MoreAlphanumeric Codes | Description and Types
Two of the most common alphanumeric codes schemes for binary data are ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange; and EBCDIC, the Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. Each of these codes can be found in many digital systems, with the ASCII code being the most prevalent. Types of Alphanumeric Codes The ASCII Code ASCII is a 7-bit code used for representing alpha-numeric symbols with a distinctive code word. The ASCII code was developed by a committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the purpose of coding binary…
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