How to Arduino Thermocouple Interface

author prototype of arduino thermocouple interface

How to Arduino Thermocouple Interface: In this article, you will learn about interfacing K-type thermocouples and display temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit on I2C LCD. Introduction of Thermocouple A thermocouple consists of a pair of dissimilar metal wires joined together at one end, called a sensing junction, and terminated at the other end, called the reference junction which is maintained at a known constant temperature called the reference temperature. When the sensing junction and the reference junction are at different temperatures, a potential difference gets produced which causes a current…

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Working of LC Oscillator

working of lc oscillator

Working of LC Oscillator: The effect of charging the capacitor in Fig. 1 to some voltage potential and then closing the switch results in the waveform shown in Fig. 1. The switch closure starts a current flow as the capacitor begins to discharge through the inductor. The inductor, which resists a change in current flow, causes a gradual sinusoidal current buildup that reaches the maximum when the capacitor is fully discharged. At this point, the potential energy is zero, but since the current flow is maximum, the magnetic field energy…

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Introduction and Advantages of Optical Communications

applications of optical communications

In the article Introduction and Advantages of Optical Communications, we will discuss optical communications and their advantages. Introduction of Optical Communication: Recent advances in the development and manufacture of fiber-optic systems have made them the latest frontier in the field of communications. They are being used for both military and commercial data links and have replaced a lot of copper wire. Their use in telecommunications is extensive. They are also expected to take over much of the long-distance communication traffic now handled by satellite links. A fiber-optic communications system is…

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Electrical Noise Measurement Technique

tangential noise measurement technique

Electrical noise measurement has become a very sophisticated process. Specialty electrical/electronics noise measuring instruments that offer many computer-controlled functions are available for thousands of dollars. If you become involved with a large number of measurements, you will become familiar with some of these instruments. In this section, we look at some general methods of noise measurement that can be accomplished with relatively standard laboratory instrumentation. A simple and reliable method of noise measurement is the case where the signal is equal to the noise. At some convenient point in the…

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Noise Designation and Calculation

noise figure versus frequency for a 2N4957

In the topic “Noise Designation and Calculation” we will discuss the various topics with proper mathematical equations and examples. The topic we are going to discuss are: Signal to noise ratio Noise Figure Resistor combination effect Reactance Noise effect Noise due to amplifier in a cascade Equivalent noise temperature Equivalent noise resistance Signal-to-Noise Ratio  We have thus far dealt with different types of electrical noise without showing how to deal with noise in a practical way. The most fundamental relationship used is known as the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio), which…

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Electrical Noise | Types of Electrical Noise

resistance electrical noise generator

Electrical noise may be defined as any undesired voltages or currents that ultimately end up appearing in the receiver output. To the listener, this electrical noise often manifests itself as static. It may only be annoying, such as an occasional burst of static, or continuous and of such amplitude that the desired information is obliterated. Electrical noise signals at their point of origin are generally very small, for example, at the microvolt level. You may be wondering, therefore, why they create so much trouble. Well, a communications receiver is a…

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Lithium Ion Battery Charger Circuit using LM317

author prototype of Lithium Ion Battery Charger Circuit

A Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Circuit using LM317 charges the battery in two different modes: constant current mode and constant voltage mode. Lithium polymer or lithium-ion batteries are very prone to overcharging or charging with high voltage or high current. Thus, when designing the charger circuit for Li-ion or Li-Po, we must consider a few things, such as charging voltage and current. The circuit posted here is designed using one of the famous variable voltage regulators, IC LM317. This circuit charges the battery in two modes, i.e., constant current and voltage.…

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15+ Waveguide Symbol

waveguide symbol

In this article, we will discuss the basics of waveguides and show 15 different types of waveguide symbols. Introduction of Waveguide Any surface separating two media of distinctly different conductivities or permittivities has a guiding effect on electromagnetic waves. For example, a rod of dielectric material, such as polystyrene, can carry a high-frequency wave, somewhat as a glass fiber conducts a beam of light. The best guiding surface, however, is between a good dielectric and a good conductor. In a broad sense, all kinds of transmission lines, including coaxial cables…

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What is Cavity Resonator and Cavity Tuning

What is Cavity Resonator

What is Cavity Resonator? Circuits composed of lumped inductance and capacitance elements may be made to resonate at any frequency from less than 1 Hz to many thousand megahertz. At extremely high frequencies, however, the physical size of the inductors and capacitors becomes extremely small. Also, losses in the circuit become extremely great. Resonant devices of different construction are therefore preferred at extremely high frequencies. In the UHF range, sections of parallel wire or coaxial transmission lines are commonly employed in place of lumped constant resonant circuits. In the microwave…

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Coupling Waveguide Energy

probe or capacitive coupling

Fundamentally, there are three methods of coupling waveguide energy into or out of a waveguide: probe, loop, and aperture. Probe, or capacitive, coupling waveguide energy is illustrated in Figure 1. Its action is the same as that of a quarter-wave Marconi antenna. When the probe is excited by an RF signal, an electric field is set up [Figure 1(a)]. The probe should be located in the center of the dimension and a quarter wavelength, or odd multiple of a quarter Wavelength, from the short-circuited end, as illustrated in Figure 1(b).…

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