Calling Bell Circuit Diagram

Calling Bell Circuit Diagram

In this article, we are satisfying the curiosity of electronics hobbyists, you and I alike by making a calling bell circuit diagram. The project can be set up in different rooms of an office or hospital and the attendant or office boy waiting place or nursing station. When a call is made from any of the rooms the attendant can be notified through the bell and he/she can verify the room from which the call is made by looking at the display showing the room number. Thus this project allows…

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Arduino Countdown Timer using P10 Display

Arduino Countdown Timer using P10 Display

In this article, we make an Arduino Countdown Timer using P10 Display. The counting is done by Arduino and then displayed in the P10 LED module. This project might come in handy for time-keeping purposes during physical games. The details about pin configuration, display specifications, and hardware interfacing between Arduino Nano and P10 are referenced from the “Interfacing P10 single color LED Display with Arduino Nano” article. In this article you will learn two things: How to display a countdown of 3 minutes in P10. How to include a Reset…

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How to Setup Digital Programmable Timer TM-612

step 2 of digital programmable timer TM-612

How to Setup Digital Programmable Timer TM-612 Performing a simple task like turning ON/OFF a system every day just by pressing a button can become tedious when you have to travel long distances to do it. This can cost time and sometimes even money if there are hurdles when traveling. So, introducing “TM-619-2” from Frontier, A Multipurpose 7 Day Programmable Digital Timer. This digital timer has a wide range of power supply options: – 240Vac main supply, 120Vac main supply, 24Vac or 24Vdc, 12Vac or 12Vdc. The digital timer comes…

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Automatic Submersible Pump Controller Circuit

Automatic submersible pump controller circuit

The automatic submersible pump controller circuit posted here is used to automate the operation of an electrical submersible pump (ESP) based on the level of water in the overhead tank. The Automatic submersible pump controller circuit can be used as a standalone system and can be interfaced with the existing manual control panel. Introduction to electrical submersible pump (ESP) Electrical submersible pumps, often called ESP are single or multiple-stage radial flow pressure series impeller pumps that are closely coupled to the motor for low and medium heads. ESPs are efficient…

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Digital Power Supply Circuit

author prototype of digital power supply circuit

Most of us hear about the variable power supply, it is a power supply unit that provides almost all standard power supplies. How’s that if we combine a variable power supply and a digital control technology. Here, we have designed and verified a DC power supply circuit with the facility of digital control. The unit digital power supply circuit provides a variable, fluctuation-free and regulated ten different DC power supplies. These are 1.5V, 3V, 4.5V, 5V, 6V, 7.5V, 9V, 10.5V, 12V positive power supply, and 12V negative power supply. One…

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Automatic and Manual Temperature Control unit

author prototype of Arduino Based Automatic and Manual Temperature Control unit

Automatic and Manual Temperature Control unit: Automation have reached almost everywhere whether it is home automation or agriculture field. Automation system collect different parameter such as temperature, humidity etc. in real time basis and keep control of fan, moist control etc. But sometime we need manual control over various actuator or load like motor, fan etc. wither testing of load or when automatic system does not work. This project is the modified version of Arduino Based Temperature Controlled Fan. Manual mode is also considered as backup mode with which we…

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Multiplexer IC Interfacing | CD4051

author prototype of multiplexer cd4051

In this article, we will discuss Multiplexer IC interfacing and different type of multiplexers like Quad 2-input Multiplexer, Dual 4-input Multiplexer, and 8-input multiplexer. We will also show you how to interface with 8-channel multiplexer IC CD4051. Quad 2-Input Multiplexer | Multiplexer IC Interfacing | CD4051 Description: One of the most widely used digital multiplexer configurations is the quad, 2 -input version illustration in figure 1. This particular IC is non-inverting and consists of eight AND and four OR circuits, arranged so that two sets of 4-bit inputs can be…

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Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt


In the project “Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt” you will learn how to control multiple appliance with two switches by using the concept of interrupt. In this prototype we are going to control four devices using two interrupt pin (switch). You can increase or decrease the number of devices according to your requirement but number of switches is same (two). When button is pressed, interrupt sun-routine is called and control algorithm runs. Features of Arduino Based multiple Device Control using Interrupt: Only two button switches are used to…

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Arduino Digital Clock using DS3231 Pi Module

arduino digital clock thumbnail

We are getting about how to make the digital clocks more accurate and precise even at varying parameters like temperature and humidity. Generally, in the market, if we go for buying the RTC module we will find the DS1307 module more simply. As DS1307 module is more prone to external temperature variation because it uses an external crystal oscillator circuit as a result the accuracy of the timekeeping changes. While designing a LED board for my college, I suffered from a time accuracy problem. After a few days, time…

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Arduino GPS Digital Clock

gps clock

GPS (Global Positioning System) is getting more popular these days because of its application and uses in electronic project. Today, we are going to build a digital cock solely based on GPS module. The project “Arduino GPS Digital Clock” collects information from the satellite in the form of 70-character long string and show only date and time. In this article we will show you how to extract exact date and time from the string ($GPRMC) that received by GPS Module. Components used in Arduino GPS Digital Clock Arduino UNO Board…

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