Dual Polarity 5v from 9v Battery

simulation of plus minus 5V supply

Almost all electronic devices used in electronic circuits need a dc source of power to operate. The source of dc power is used to establish the dc operating point for the passive and active electronic devices in-corporate in the system. This day almost all circuits 5V regulated power supply but an operational amplifier requires a dual power supply (positive and negative) for proper operation, while we are using the battery power supply for a circuit then it would be difficult to get a dual polarity power supply. In order to…

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Electronics Troubleshooting Techniques

block diagram of signal tracing 2

Introduction to Electronics Troubleshooting Techniques Due to the increasing complexity of electronic communications equipment, the technician must have a good understanding of communication circuits and concepts. To be an effective troubleshooter, the technician must also be able to quickly isolate faulty components and repair the defective circuit. Recognizing the way, a circuit may malfunction is a key factor to speedy repair procedures. After completing this tutorial on electronics troubleshooting techniques, you should be able to Explain general troubleshooting techniques Recognize major types of circuit failures List the four troubleshooting techniques…

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Simple Battery Changeover Relay

circuit diagram of battery changeover relay

It is economical to use a battery eliminator but with frequent power failure in most developing countries, it becomes annoying to change over from battery eliminator to battery operation every time the electric supply fails. Thus, we had designed a simple battery changeover relay. A simple way to avoid the nuisance is by connecting the battery and power pack in parallel. But the advantage with such a system is that when the eliminator voltage falls, even slightly (say from 6V to 5V), though the performance of the set remains unaffected,…

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Wireless Temperature and Humidity Indicator for Fridge

circuit diagram of receiver unit of wireless temperature and humidity indicator or fridge

There are various types of circuit used to indicate the temperature and humidity of fridge but it cannot measure relative humidity accurately. Because at the time of door opening of fridge relative humidity will rise or fall due to moister of surrounding. Thus, we had posted here “Wireless Temperature and Humidity Indicator for Fridge”. Here, we had posted a simple, small and handy wireless device which is used to measure temperature, humidity and relative humidity from inside the fridge. The circuit posted here used RF technology to transmit and receive…

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Rotation Sensor using 555 IC

circuit diagram of rotation sensor using 555IC

In this section, we discuss another application of the most popular IC, the 555 timers. Introduced in 1972 by the Signetics Corporation as a bipolar integrated circuit, the 555 is also available in CMOS technology and from several manufacturers. There are various projects we had already posted in the timer IC 555-based projects section. Now, we have come up with another interesting project called rotation sensor using the most popular IC of all time 555 Timer IC. When more conveyors or equipment are used in the processing system and anyone…

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Zener Diode Tester Circuit

modified circuit diagram of zener diode tester

One of the most important uses of the zener diode is in making the constant voltage power supply. Its works are based on the fact that in the reverse breakdown (Zener) region, a small change in voltage across the zener diode produces a very large change in current through the circuit but the voltage across the Zener remains constant. In this article, we have posted two different circuits to test the zener diode i.e. general Zener diode tester circuit and modified Zener diode tester circuit Here, is a circuit that…

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DIY Strobe Light Circuit

circuit diagram of DIY strobe light

Here is one another application of one of the most versatile IC NE555, the DIY Strobe light circuit. A strobe light is also called a stroboscopic lamp and is used to produce a regular flash of light. The general strobe light has a very high flash energy of about 150 joules and very few milliseconds of discharge time. Due to this property, it emits flash power of several kilowatts. Various types of strobe light circuits using xenon flash lamps, flash tube, LEDs, etc. posted on bestengineeringprojects.com are listed below:- High Brightness…

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Simple Signal Injector Circuit

circuit diagram of signal injector

Here is a project of a Simple Signal Injector Circuit. Don’t think it’s just “another one”; see the advantages it offers over some other injectors: Commercial injectors working on 1.5V are rather large in size to be carried in a shirt pocket. You can carry this injector quite easily in a shirt pocket because the whole device can be assembled in a pencil cell holder. This circuit will give you a battery life of about two a single pencil cell. Most important of all, this injector will cost you at…

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Op-amp | Block Diagram | Characteristics of Ideal and Practical Op-amp

symbol of operational amplifier

What is an OP-AMP? An operation amplifier (Op-Amp) is basically a multistage, high gain (Av>105) direct-coupled amplifier with two differential inputs and a single-ended output and which uses feedback to control its overall response characteristics. It may be used to perform numerous linear operations and some nonlinear operations. An important feature of the operational amplifier is that by simply changing the feedback impedance, its operation may be altered. A modern Op-Amp uses integrated circuit technology. The IC Op Amps are widely used as versatile, predictable, accurate, and economical system building…

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Bisection Method | Source Code in C and C++| Algorithm | Pseudocode

Bisection method is an iterative method used for the solution of non-linear equations, also known as binary chopping or half-interval method. Bisection method is based on the repeated application of the intermediate value property. It means if f(x) is continuous in the interval [a, b] and f(a) and f(b) have different sign then the equation f(x) = 0 has at least one root between x = a and x = b. This method is most reliable and simplest iterative method for solution of nonlinear equation. a < x < b…

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