Arduino Based Data Logger (Temperature)

arduino based data logger

The project described here is a simple Arduino Based Data Logger which can be used at any place where data is needed to be stored for further processing and monitoring. The project posted here basically store temperature, humidity with date and time in regular intervals on an SD card or a computer, or both. The wide range of operations and data rate of 12 samples per minute make this circuit more versatile and attractive at the same time. The data logging can be adjusted as per desire by changing the…

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Fingerprint Attendance System using Arduino

Fingerprint Attendance System using Arduino

The project posted here is a simple Fingerprint Attendance System using Arduino and can be very useful for any place where attendance is taken for maintaining registers like offices, schools, etc. Previously, we had posted RFID based attendance system, Arduino Fingerprint Sensor Lock, etc. The project posted here utilizes a thumb impression for taking attendance. The Fingerprint Attendance System using Arduino is based on a simple algorithm called matching algorithm and is compared with previously stored templates of fingerprints against the user’s fingerprint for authentication. Maintaining a register for attendance is…

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Ultrasonic Water Level Meter

ultrasonic water level meter transmitter circuit

Wireless Ultrasonic Water Level Meter using ATmega328 Water level indicator is one of the most popular projects over the internet but the problem with that is, it uses metal electrodes as a result corrosion is occurring. When we pass DC in water it starts to react with the metal in presence of oxygen and corrosion is occurring. This problem is minimized by using alternating current instead of direct current but there is always the risk of electric shock which can be dangerous if is handled by a non-technical person. By…

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Arduino Based Automatic Call Answering Machine

author prototype of automatic call answer machine

The project “Arduino and GSM Based Automatic Answering Machine” is designed to answer the phone call with prerecorded message when we are unable to attain call. Sometime in this busy world we might not be able to attain the phone call due to several reasons (generally when we are in bathroom or watching movie in cinema or forget mobile in home). These calls might be important i.e. call might be from office or business call which cannot be ignored. Thus, the project posted here receive the call after three rings…

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Arduino and RFID based Door Access System

arduino and rfid based door opening system

The project Arduino and RFID-based Door Access System is basically an access control system and can be placed where authorized entry is compulsion like office, school, etc. Previously in, we had already posted RFID based security system using microcontroller AT89C52 which is used to open the door and Arduino and RFID Based Attendance Systems for taking attendance. Working of RFID Module | Arduino and RFID based Door Access System RFID (Radio Frequency identification) basically use an electromagnetic field to detect unique tag assigned to object in the vicinity. An RFID…

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Top 10 Arduino Projects 2017

top 10 arduino projects

Here we had complied a list of top 10 Arduino Project 2017 that would be cool, useful and efficient to design in free time. Before talking about the list of 10 awesome project using arduino we would like to clear some point about arduino board. So, what is Arduino? | Top 10 Arduino Projects 2017 Arduino is an open-source design consist a microcontroller and all the necessary circuitry on a signal board. A USB plug is given to communicate between computer and arduino board. The programming is done in Arduino Programming…

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Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino

author prototype of accident detection system

Today in this article we are going to build a project called Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino UNO, GSM module, GPS module, and Vibration Sensor Module. The vibration sensor module used in this project is used to detect the change in linear velocity, displacement, or acceleration. The GPS module detects the exact location (longitude and latitude) and the GSM module is used to send all information to the mobile number assigned in the software code. You may also like the Car Lock System using Arduino and GSM modules.…

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Arduino and RFID Based Attendance System

arduino and rfid based attendance system circuit

The project Arduino and RFID Based Attendance System is simple and is used at any place where attendance is taken for maintaining the register. Previously we had posted a project using RFID and microcontroller AT89C52 called RFID Based Security System using Microcontroller AT89C52 used for the open door. Similarly, Arduino and RFID-based Door Access System RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) uses an electromagnetic field to detect unique tags assigned to object in the vicinity. An RFID tag is more secure and conventional because RFID traces tags hidden inside objects, unlike bar…

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DIY Breathalyzer using Arduino and MQ-3 Sensor Module

author prototype of breathalyzer using arduino

Few day ago, I got an email from one of reader of asking about how does the traffic police know the concentration of alcohol present in our breadth. For that purpose, I had designed a project called DIY Breathalyzer using various easily available electronics components. Before starting about description of project I would like to describe what breathalyzer is. The breathalyzer or breathalyzer is an electronic device which is used to estimate the concentration of alcohol available in breath sample. This device is usually carried by traffic police, medical…

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Arduino FM Transmitter

block diagram of fm transmitter circuit using arduino

The project “Arduino FM Transmitter” is a radio station with transmits either voice or music nearby area, within the range of 50 meters range. The transmitted FM signal is received by any FM receiver. Previously, we had posted an Arduino-based FM Receiver with the facility of automating or manual tuning. The project uses very few components i.e Arduino uno board (MCU) and an FM transmitter V2.0 module. This project has various applications like it can be implemented in college hospitals etc. where announcements have to do. The block diagram of…

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