Arduino Based Caller ID for Bike

author prototype of Arduino Based Caller ID for Bike

This article shows you how to make caller ID for two wheeler’s i.e. bike or scooter. This caller ID display cell phone number when any one call you or when you call anyone while riding bike or scooter. Sometime It is difficult to identify the caller while riding two-wheeler vehicles because usually we keep our mobile either in pocket or in bag. Sometime even we get confused whether the vibration is of vehicle or of mobile. By using this simple device one can know about caller and can easily distinguished…

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Virus or Fake Virus Warning

fake virus warning

Confusing fake virus warning; which messages are actually dangerous and which messages are harmless? This is how you can find it out. Do you trust the website that you visit regularly? Malware developers hope so, because if the browser displays a warning on a known page, few users believe that there is a virus and ignore the warning. Attacks on well-known sites show that this trust can be dangerous. About 500,000 websites were victims of an attack that infiltrated dangerous malicious code into the sites, including a few podcasts on…

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How to Secure Data in Computer

system boot password how to secure data of computer

We store everything, from media to important business documents, on our PCs. So, it goes without saying that protecting this data is of utmost importance. One can only imagine the amount of damage done if you lose a hard drive full of local data. So in this article, you will learn how to secure data on the computer. There are millions of bugs, worms, viruses, and malware swimming through the Internet, and infection to your PC is more a question of when rather than if. The average user is sure…

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Top 10 Smartphone Security Tips

smartphone security tips

Smartphones these days are capable of doing almost everything a low-end PC can do, which is why the growing number of smartphone users often choose to do their work directly from their phones. The increased activity on smartphones, especially involving Internet usage, has resulted in their rapidly increasing popularity as a target for privacy and security attacks. While uninformed users might surf the Web, socialize, transfer files, and pay their bills from the convenience of their phones, they leave their personal information, financial information, and data vulnerable to attacks. So…

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Arduino Color Sensor Project using TCS230

author prototype of arduino color sensor project

This article shows you how to make arduino color sensor project using TCS230 color sensor. This project can detect almost all color according to their wave length and display it on 16×2 LCD. If we talk about the application of this project, you can use in color shorting or color matching projects, line following robot (if path is other than black and white), multi-color strip reading etc. What is TCS230 Color Sensor? This module consists 8×8 array of photodiode which detect the color and produce corresponding frequency (Square wave). So,…

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Identity Theft Threat and Protection

identity theft protection

Identity theft has always been a major security concern, even before the advent of the Internet. Now, social media sites, online banking, and even online gaming sites are ponds where identity thieves have ample fish to catch. So let’s talk about what is identity theft, what is a threat, and how to protect yourself from identity theft. Your online identity consists of several unique details that ideally only you should know. While some people might think that your name, address, credit card information, and account number are the only bits…

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Precision Voltage Regulator

precision voltage regulator

There are various type of voltage regulator available in market, every single types of voltage regulator have it’s own advantage and applications. We have already discussed various type of voltage regulator like fixed voltage regulator, Adjustable voltage regulator, Tracking and floating voltage regulator. Here, in this article we are going to discuss about Precision voltage regulator and Switching voltage regulator. At first let’s see what is precision voltage regulator. Description of Precision Voltage Regulator High-precision voltage regulators are available for fixed output or adjustable output as well as for most…

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Tracking and Floating Voltage Regulator

tracking voltage regulator

In this article we are going to learn what is tracking and floating voltage regulator with its key parameters, applications with appropriates comments. At first let’s see what about tracking voltage regulator. Description of tracking voltage regulator In effect, a tracking voltage regulator performs the function of two separate voltage regulators, positive and negative, with but a single adjustment to track both voltages accurately. As shown in figure 1, the voltage from either output to ground will remain the same regardless of load unbalance. Adjustment of the external potentiometer or…

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Adjustable Output Voltage Regulator

adjustable voltage regulator circuit

The basic circuit of Adjustable Output Voltage Regulator is essentially the same as for fixed output voltage regulators, but there is provision for an external resistive divider or potentiometer to adjust the output voltage. Positive or negative polarity output voltage can be obtained by the same type of connections described in Fixed Output Voltage Regulator. Most of the adjustable type voltage regulators also contain one or more protective features such as over-voltage and over-temperature shutdown. Manufacturers data contain specific resistance values and/or potentiometer connections to provide the desired output voltage…

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Arduino Alarm Clock with Time Setting

author prototype of Arduino Alarm Clock with Time Setting

In the post-Arduino alarm clock with time setting you will learn to make a digital clock using the RTC DS3231 module with alarm and temperature indication facility. Previously, we had already posted various types of clock circuits using Arduino and RTC DS3231 like “Arduino NTP Clock using NodeMCU and DS3231”, “Arduino Digital Clock using DS3231 Pi Module“. Before starting to circuit part and software code part let’s see its features: Features of Arduino alarm clock with time setting Display date and time (day and second indication). Alarm time setting Display…

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