Percussion Drilling | Percussion Drilling Method

percussion drilling set up

As shown clearly in the figure 1, the percussion drilling method involves a heavy drilling bit in the form of a chisel or a clay cutter, attached to the end of a cable operated by a Winch of the drilling machine. Percussion boring rig Boring tools and chisel Shell Clay cutter That drilling bit is called a chopping bit. During the drilling process, the bit or cutter is lowered or raised in the borehole and in order to break the soil into fragments, water is added. The amount of water…

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Wash Boring and Setup of Wash Boring

wash boring set up

Introduction to Wash Boring, Setup of Wash Boring and its techniques: The technique of wash boring involves a simple process of developing a considerable deep borehole into the ground as clearly illustrated in the figure 1. In this article we will also discuss about setup of wash boring. In wash boring process, a piece of casing with a diameter about 50 to 100 mm and to a depth of 1.5 m to 3.0 m is directly driven into the ground. The casing is provided with a chopping bit fastened on…

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Auger Boring | Method of making Borehole

hand augers setup

What is Auger Boring and how Borehole is made using hand auger? Operations like boring doesn’t allow direct access to the subsoil and holes are bored into the ground by hand or power arguers and etc. Practically, auger boring is a device or an instrument as we say in general language which supports us in developing a borehole into the ground. In the market, different power operated and hand operated augers can be found. Among them, two types of hand operated augers; post-hole type and helical type have been clearly…

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Detailed Site Investigation and Types

This is the second stage of site investigation. When the preliminary investigation program does not provide sufficient information for design and construction of foundation further investigation is required, and this investigation is called detailed site investigation. The preliminary investigation data are used as a basis of locating additional boring and determining additional samples. Types of Detailed Site investigation i) accessible investigation ii) inaccessible investigation. Accessible Investigation Accessible investigation method of soil exploration consists of digging of trial pits and test trenches. They permit a direct inspection of soil and its…

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Preliminary Investigation | Fact Finding and Reconnaissance Survey

What is preliminary investigation? and what are the purpose of this investigation? this is the first stage of site investigation. The purpose is to provide an engineer a rough idea on the soil conditions at a given site. A preliminary investigation generally consists of: Fact finding survey Reconnaissance Trial boring Fact Finding Survey | Preliminary Investigation In fact finding survey, all the available information on the soil condition near the site and behavior of other structures in the vicinity is digested. The desired information can be obtained from technical journals, published…

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Site investigation | Purpose, Planning and Stage

What is site investigation? Soil is made by nature and often used for foundation in its natural state. Unlike steel or concrete the properties of soil cannot be controlled and must be used as they exist. As a result the engineers are compelled to control the loading conditions. In order to provide loading conditions that will not exceed the carrying capacity or allowable deformation, the extent and properties of soil must be determined prior to the design of the foundation. The information can only be obtained through a properly planned…

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Types of Foundation | Shallow and Deep

spread footing

What are the types of foundation? On the basis of load transmission to the ground, there are two types of foundation and they are: Shallow foundations and Deep foundations. As we know foundation connects/interfaces two different materials, their strength ratios are of the order of several hundreds. As a result, the load may be spread to the soil in a manner such that its limiting strength is not exceeded and the resulting deflections are tolerable. Description of various types of foundation is given below. SHALLOW FOUNDATION In shallow foundation, generally,…

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Foundation or Sub-Structure

combined footing

What is foundation or Sub-Structure? In any structure the lowest part is called foundation or sub-structure. In general cases, structures comprise two parts: upper part and lower part. The part lying above the ground surface is upper part where as the part buried below the ground surface is lower part. Being the portion above the ground surface, the upper part is called super-structure while the lower part, the sub structure or foundation. The foundation acts as an interface between the super-structure and that part lying under the soil. Therefore the…

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Programmable Digital Timer Circuit

programmable digital timer circuit

The project “programmable digital timer circuit” presented here can be used for setting time intervals in the range of 1 to 99 minutes. The circuit of a programmable digital timer does not use large resistors or capacitors to obtain the timing interval. Instead, it uses the 50 Hz mains frequency as a reference. The main frequency is fairly accurate for this application. The main frequency is shaped up by Schmitt-trigger gate N1 to obtain a square wave. This 50 Hz square wave is divided by IC1, IC2, IC3, and IC4.…

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Self Switching Off Power Supply Circuit

self switching off power supply circuit

This Self Switching Off Power Supply Circuit switches itself off when no current is drawn by the load. When a load current flows, the potential difference across diode D6 is sufficient to cause diode D7 = and transistor T2 to conduct. Transistor T1 is then switched on and the relay is energized. If you are new to relay drive circuits then you can watch this making video on How to make relay switching circuits. When the load current ceases, T2 switches off. The base current of T1 then charges capacitor…

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