High Powered Strobe Light Using Arduino

arduino based high powered strobe led light

The project High Powered Strobe Light Using Arduino is the extended version of strobe light using arduino. Here, in this project we uses six high power Luxeon LED as used in previous project. This project show different strobe effect like flashing, fading, continuous illuminating etc. We can select any of this effect through serial monitor. Lets see the circuit diagram and how its work. Circuit Description of High Powered Strobe Light Using Arduino The circuit is shown in figure 1 and is designed around arduino uno board, N-Channel MOSFET, LM317…

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Strobe Light Using Arduino

circuit diagram of led strobe light using arduino

Here is one another project which is useful in our daily life using aduino. As we had already posted “High Brightness LED Strobe Using NE555” using array of 36 LEDs now here we use single high brightness Luxeon LED. The circuit of strobe light using arduino is shown in figure 1. The potentiometer VR1 is used to control the flashing rate of strobe light. PARTS LIST OF STROBE LIGHT USING ARDUINO Resistor (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon) R1 = 270 Ω R1 = 4 Ω/1W VR1 = 100 KΩ Semiconductors…

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Sound VU Meter Using Arduino

circuit diagram of sound VU meter using arduino

Different gadgets have been introduced to meet our requirements ranging from the basic needs to the classy needs of humans. With this development in recent years, people have grown more sophisticated day by day. Hereby we have presented a circuit sound VU meter using Arduino to display the volume of noise picked up by a microphone. Circuit Description of Sound VU Meter using Arduino The push-to-on switch SW1 is used to change the mode of the sound VU meter. In normal mode, the LEDs just flicker up and down with…

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LED Dice Using Arduino

circuit diagram of ed dice using arduino

Here you will find the tutorial to build a simple LED dice using arduino. The software build will be reliable and perfect enough to implement it in a real working environment. This project is very helpful in to build a basic arduino system. Arduino technology is easy to use, efficient and reliable where it also allows dynamic and faster control. In this project we used random number generation technique. Every time you press the button, the LED’s roll for a while and glow a single LED. Figure 1 show the…

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Dynamic Temperature Indicator and Controller Using Ardunio

circuit diagram of dynamic temperature indicator and controller

Here is a standalone Dynamic Temperature Indicator and Controller Using Ardunio that also controls the electric appliance according to temperature. The use of Arduino technology makes this closed-loop feedback control system efficient and reliable. Arduino allows dynamic and faster control. Here we used a rotary encoder and liquid crystal display for more users friendly. The sensed and set temperature values are simultaneously displayed on the LCD panel in centigrade which can be changed Kelvin in scale. Circuit Description of Dynamic Temperature Indicator and Controller Using Arduino The circuit is programmed…

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Countdown Timer Using Arduino

author prototype of countdown timer using arduino

The circuit here Countdown timer using Arduino is a simple circuit with the facility of the timer, this circuit is designed for 50 minutes timer but you can change it according to your requirement. Electronic circuits are usually designed for a specific purpose, which means one circuit performs only one task, in general cases. When this circuit is used, the time at which it is selected can be stored electronically while being displayed simultaneously. Talking about the circuit components, it uses an Arduino board, 7-segment display, PNP transistor, and a…

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Tune Player Using Arduino

circuit diagram of tune player using arduino

Arduino board is designed for working with digital signal or square wave signal. If we want to generate sine wave, we have to do little effort, because analog output from arduino is not true analog but a PWM output which turn board on and off very frequently. Here we use digital to analog converter to generate fine analog output. A digital to analog converter has a single output having number of digital input. PARTS LIST OF YUNE LAYER USING ARDUINO Resistor (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon) R1 – R4, R8…

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Infrared Remote Controller Using Arduino

circuit diagram of infrared remote using arduino

Here is projects called “Infrared Remote Controller Using Arduino” which allow you to control any type of electrical gadget using any infrared remote control. The project posted here records an infrared message from an existing remote control and give output as required. Here, we use EEPROM memory to store the infrared signal code so that we can use this remote even arduino board is disconnected. Circuit Description of Infrared Remote Controller Using Aruino:- The circuit of infrared remote controller is designed using an arduino board and a IR receiver module.…

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Surveillance Robot

circuit diagram of surveillance robot

Software Code:-


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Hypnotizer Using Arduino

spiral of hypnotizer

Hypnotizer is device which is used to control mind and is one of the favorite things of us. Here is a project called hypnotizer using arduino shown in figure 1, which control the motor and also rotate it into clock wise and anti close wise direction. A spiral disk shown in figure 2, attached to a motor and rotates as motor rotates to mesmerize the unfortunate victims. Project Description of Hypnotizer Using Arduino The Project Hypnotizer is divided into two sections: Hardware Section and Software Section Hardware Section:– The circuit…

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