Bistable Multivibrator | Binary

Binary with Symmetrical Collector Triggering

Bistable Multivibrator generates a square wave but has two stable states. The circuit stays in one stable say state one indefinitely. Only on application of a suitable trigger pulse, circuit changes to the other stable state i.e. state two. Now again the circuit continues to stay in stable state two indefinitely unless a suitable trigger pulse is applied causing the circuit to revert to the stable state one. Bistable multivibrators are basically of two types: (i) Fixed bias bistable multivibrator (ii) Self bias bistable multivibrator We here take up the…

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Monostable Multivibrator

monostabe multivibrator equivalent circuit

Monostable multivibrator generates square wave but it has only one stable state and another quasi-stable state. The circuit ordinarily stays in the stable state. On application of an external trigger signal, circuit changes state to quasi-stable state and remains in the quasi-stable state for a predetermined period of time and then reverts back to the stable state automatically. The time duration of the quasi-stable state is determined by the circuit components and parameters and is independent of the rate of occurrence of triggering pulse. BJT monostable multivibrators may be of…

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Astable Multivibrator

Astable Multivibrator using BJTs

Fig 1 gives the circuit of an astable multivibrator using BJTs while Fig 2 gives the waveforms of collector voltages and base voltages of the two transistors. Transistor T1 along with collector circuit resistor Rc1 and coupling capacitor Cb1 forms one stage of R-C coupled amplifier. Its output is coupled through capacitor Cb1 to the other R-C coupled amplifier stage formed by transistor T2, collector circuit resistor Rc2 and coupling capacitor Cb2. The output of this second state is coupled through capacitor Cb2 to the input of the first amplifier…

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Multivibrator | Introduction | Types | Working

block diagram of mutivibrator

Introduction of Multivibrator We have already studied the working of several sinusoidal oscillators. For certain purposes, we need non-sinusoidal generators, also called relaxation oscillators. A relaxation oscillator generates voltage or current which varies abruptly one or more times in a cycle of operation. Typical examples of non-sinusoidal generators are: multivibrator, Schmitt trigger, UJT oscillators, blocking oscillators, saw-tooth (sweep) voltage generators, saw tooth (sweep) current generators etc. Multivibrators are used for various purposes such as generation of square waveforms, frequency counting, frequency division, generation of time delays and storage of binary…

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Bipolar DAC Tutorials

Binary weighted resistor based bipolar dac

Bipolar Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) Digital to Analog converter is an important part of many system. In this section, we have taught what bipolar digital to analog converter are and for better explanation we had also includes various circuit diagram. Normal (unipolar) digital to analog converter can only give output either of positive types or of negative types but bi-polar converter is used to achieve both positive and negative output. Figure 1 represent the transfer curve of bipolar digital to analog converter. Working of Bipolar Digital to Analog Converter…

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Op-amp | Block Diagram | Characteristics of Ideal and Practical Op-amp

symbol of operational amplifier

What is an OP-AMP? An operation amplifier (Op-Amp) is basically a multistage, high gain (Av>105) direct-coupled amplifier with two differential inputs and a single-ended output and which uses feedback to control its overall response characteristics. It may be used to perform numerous linear operations and some nonlinear operations. An important feature of the operational amplifier is that by simply changing the feedback impedance, its operation may be altered. A modern Op-Amp uses integrated circuit technology. The IC Op Amps are widely used as versatile, predictable, accurate, and economical system building…

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Voltage Rating of Capacitors

electrolytic capacitor

What is  Voltage Rating of Capacitors? Voltage rating of capacitors :Capacitor are designed and manufactured to operate at a certain maximum voltage. This maximum voltage can be regard as working voltage (WV). A Capacitor (in other words Condenser) is a passive electrical device that can store electrical energy by accumulating electrons on its metallic surface separate by a finite distance filled with dielectric material like air, Bakelite etc. within the space between metallic surfaces. Nowadays, capacitor is an essential components of each and every circuit that are deign today. Neither…

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