Comparing two number using if statements,Relational operators, and equality operators

comparing two number 3

Click Here to download Compiled Software The output of the Program are shown in figure below:

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Deep Well Pump

deep well pump

For very deep excavation the multistage well point set up has the disadvantage that the water level is pulled down abruptly at the edge of the excavation. As a consequence, the hydraulic gradient near the excavation bottom becomes quite large and the resulting seepage pressures may lead to the instability of the side slopes. Under such circumstances a deep well pump is suitable as shown in Fig.1. Deep wells pump are cased holes and generally they have diameters ranging from 30 cm to 60 Cm. The depth of deep well…

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Well Point System | Types of Well Point

well point (multi stage)

What are the types of well point System? There are two types of well point system, namely single stage well point system and multi-stage well point system. These systems are briefly described in the following. Single Stage Well Point system – A well point consists of a pipe about 1 m long and 50 mm in diameter. It has perforations, which are covered with a screen to prevent clogging in. At the lower end, a jetting nozzle is provided. This nozzle also acts as a driving point. A ball valve…

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Drainage | Drainage from Open Sumps

drainage from open sump

What is drainage and where it is required? Drainage is required whenever it is desirable to eliminate seepage pressure or to reduce danger from frost damage or to increase shearing resistance of soil by reducing neutral stresses. These objectives are achieved by lowering the water table below the level of a mass of soil requiring protection. When the co-efficient of permeability exceeds 0.001 cm/sec drainage is essential. When value of coefficient of permeability lies between 0.001 to 0.00001 cm/sec drainage is inconsequential but it is required for stability of sides…

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Anchored Bulkhead | Determination of Anchored Bulkhead

Anchored Sheet Piled Wall Free Earth Support

What is anchored bulkhead? If tie rods or anchor rods are anchored close to the upper ends of sheet pile walls, the sheet pile walls are called bulkheads or anchored sheet pile walls. The tie or anchor rods are buried in the backfill at a considerable distance from the back of the wall. The ties or anchored rods reduce the lateral deflection, the bending moment and the depth of penetration. Anchored bulkhead are extensively used in water front structures. They are constructed by driving a row of sheet pile to…

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Cantilever Walls in Cohesive Soils

cantilever sheet pile in cohesive soil

The pressure distribution on a cantilever wall constructed on cohesive soil is shown in Fig.1 below. The active pressure at any depth z can be expressed as: Where, = Vertical pressure, Z = Depth from surface to backfill The passive pressure at any depth y below the dredge line may be expressed as: The active earth pressure on the wall from the backfill surface to the dredge level is shown in the Fig.1. The soil is in tension up to a depth of z0 and pressure in the wall is…

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Simplified Method of Structures of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls

cantilever sheet pile

What are the Simplified Method of Structures of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls? The exact method involves the solution of fourth order equation, which is quite laborious. For practical problems simplified method of structure of cantilever sheet pile walls is generally used. In the simplified method the passive pressure is replaced by concentrated load acting at the bottom of the pile. The simplified method arrangement is shown in Fig,1 above. Taking moments of all the forces about the base of the pile we get, ——— (1) Hence,  ———- (2) The solution…

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Depth of Embedment of cantilever Walls in Sandy Soils

cantilever sheet pile

A cantilever sheet pile is shown in Fig.1 below. The Fig,1 also shows the pressure distribution. When the wall rotates about the point O’, the various pressures acting on the wall are: Pa1 = Active earth pressure on the back of the wall above the point O’ Pa2 = Active earth pressure in front of the wall below the point O’ Pp1 = Passive earth pressure in front of the wall above the point O’ up to dredge line Pp2 = Active earth pressure on the back of the wall…

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Structures of Cantilever Sheet Pile Wall

cantilever sheet pile wall

Cantilever sheet piles are used where the height of the soil or water to be retained is smaller than 4.5 m. The various forces acting on a cantilever sheet pile wall are the active earth pressure on the back of the wall and the passive earth pressure on the front of the wall. The active pressure tends the wall to move away from the backfill while the passive earth pressure resists the wall movement. General Principle of Design of Structures of Cantilever Sheet Pile Wall Figure 1 shown below illustrates…

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Sheet Pile Walls | Types of Sheet Pile Walls

concrete sheet pile

A sheet pile wall consists of a series of sheet piles driven side by side into the ground. This results in a continuous vertical wall for the purpose of retaining an earth bank. A sheet pile wall is a flexible wall having negligible weight and weight has no control over the wall stability. The stability is entirely due to the passive resistance developed between the wall and the soil. Sheet piles wall are generally used for water front structures, temporary construction, lightweight construction, coffer dams, riverbank protection and retaining the…

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