Temperature, Humidity and Heat Index Meter using Arduino

author prototype of temperature humidity and heat index meter

Temperature and humidity are one of the essential parameters of environment for various projects like greenhouse, home automation, weather station or other various industrial automation. Sometime we also need to find feel temperature or apparent temperature that we feel and it is called Heat Index. Heat Index can be defined as an index which accounts both air temperature and relative humidity of an environment. In this article we are going to build a temperature, humidity and heat index meter using arduino and DHT11. Circuit of Temperature, Humidity and Heat Index…

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D Flip Flip | Characteristic | Application

dual type d flip flip ic

In this article we will analysis different type of D Type Flip Flip IC like dual type and quad type, it’s key parameter, applications and comment. Dual Type D Flip Flop Description This universally used flip-flop (FF) contains two separate type D FFs, as illustrated in the functional diagram of figure 1. Each of the two FFs is identical and can be used separately or interconnected with each other for whatever purpose may be required. They can be used as shift register elements or as type D FFs for counter…

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ESP32 Based Real Time Corona Case Counter

world corona real time counter

Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is declared a pandemic by WHO. Almost all country is suffering and most of them are in a lockdown situation. Hundreds of thousands are infected and thousands are dead and this number is increasing exponentially. Only emergency services like hospitals, electricity, water supply are in operation with possible precautions. People are not allowed to step out of their homes. Some websites like Worldometers, Corona Virus Esri API show real-time corona cases, the number of recovers, deaths, etc. Based on the data displayed over this website we will…

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Quick Essay Writing Tips for Students Pressed for Time

outline the point

Lots if people get stressed when they feel rushed. College students are no exception. Tons of homework, lectures, part-time jobs, and the schedule that’s constantly falling apart don’t conduce to peace of mind. Therefore, a good many students find themselves in a permanent state of rush and stress. We bet you know the feeling of being frantic and unable to do anything when you don’t have enough time. One of the toughest things about writing an essay is the panic that overwhelms students once the minutes start ticking away. As…

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Flip Flop IC | Description and Truth Table

basic flip flip ic

In the article Flip flop IC, we will discuss about key parameter of flip flop IC, its working, truth table application and comments. Description of Flip Flip IC One of the key building blocks of all digital logic systems, the flip-flop (FF) is available in a variety of different FF circuits with a host of different features. As illustrated in Figure 1, the basic flip-flop consists of two gates with the appropriate cross connection. The actual circuitry of a D-type, positive edge triggered FF is shown in figure 2, and…

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Cycle Redundancy Checker

Cycle Redundancy Checker

In this article you will learn about Cycle redundancy checker,  its key parameters, application and special remarks. Cycle Redundancy Checker | Description This IC performs error detection by means of a fairly sophisticated method – the cyclic encoding and decoding schemes which are based on the manipulation of polynomials in modulo arithmetic. During the encoding process, the data stream is divided by a selected polynomial, and this division results in a remainder which is attached to the message as check bits. To detect errors, the bit stream containing both data…

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Parity Generator Checker | Error Detector

Parity Generator Checker | Error Detector

In the article you will learn about Parity Generator Checker | Error Detector IC SN74180, its key parameter, application and working. Description of Parity Generator Checker | Error Detector The parity bit method of error detection depends on a fixed word length in which all of the 1s are added together. For even parity, the sum of these logic 1s must be even; for odd parity, it must be odd. To assure that the sum is respectively odd or even, a separate parity bit is transmitted that is set either…

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BCD to 7 Segment LCD Display Driver

bcd to 7 segment lcd display driver

Here, in the article “BCD-To-7-Segment LCD Display Driver” you will learn about 7 segment lcd display IC, it’s key parameter and its application. Description of BCD-To-7-Segment LCD Display Driver Liquid crystal displays are activated by a AC signal across a selected display segment; this feature is included in the function block of the 7-segment LCD driver illustrated in figure 1. In addition to the standard BCD input, there is also a display frequency input terminal. Two functions can be performed by this terminal. When this driver IC is used to…

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BCD to 7 Segment Display Driver | SN74143

BCD to 7 Segment Display Driver | SN74143

In the article “BCD to 7 Segment Display Driver” you will learn about 7 segment display driver IC SN74143, its key parameter and its application. Description of BCD to 7 Segment Display Driver | SN74143 The universal use of 7-segment numerical displays has resulted in a wide range of ICs capable of driving them. One of the most widely used is illustrated in the block diagram of figure 1. The BCG input is applied to a set of four flip-flops which are used as a “latch.” The “strobe” signal determines…

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Manchester Code Encoder and Decoder

Manchester Code Encoder and Decoder

Here, in this article we will discuss about Manchester Code Encoder and Decoder, its key parameters and application. Description of Manchester Code Encoder and Decoder This IC provides both encoding and decoding functions of the Manchester 2 Code used in military and industrial communications systems. It is divided into two sections, the encoder and the decoder, which operate independently of each other, except for the master reset. While specifically designed to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1553, this IC also can be used for other time-division multiplexed serial data protocols. As…

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