Automatic Suction Tank Motor Controller

water tank motor setup

Many of us use water pumps for drawing water from an underground tank. Whenever the water level in the tank goes low we have to switch ‘off’ the motor and when it reaches a high level we have to switch ‘on’ the motor. The circuit automatic suction tank motor controller given here solves this problem. The truth table for the digital circuit of automatic suction tank motor controller Condition H L Y Remark Empty tank 0 0 0 Water is filled up to ‘L’ 0 1 0 Full tank 1…

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1/86400 Hz Frequency Ganerator Circuit

86400 hz frequency generator circuit

The circuit 1/86400 Hz frequency generator provides one clock pulse every 24 hours from a 1 Hz input clock pulse source, which is commonly available through a digital clock. It can be used to provide am/pm indication in those digital clocks which do not have this facility, or it may be utilized to advance the date of an electronic calendar every day. It can also be used to trigger an alarm at a determined time without fail. Circuit Description of 1/86400 Hz Frequency Generator The present circuit 1/86400 Hz frequency…

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Types of Machines | Types of Machine Foundation

machine foundation types

In the article Types of Machines | Types of Machine Foundation, we are going to discuss about different types of machine and machine foundation Types of Machines Machines are categorized into three major groups. They are high speed machines, low speed machines and impact machines. Low speed machines | Types of Machine Compressors and reciprocating engines come under this category. They produce unbalanced forces. The speed of such machines is usually smaller than 600 rpm. High speed machines | Types of Machine Turbo rotary compressors fall in this category of machines. These…

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Design Criteria of Machine Foundation

general limits of displacement amplitude for a particular frequency of vibration

In this article we are discuss about “Design Criteria of Machine Foundation”. In the design a rigid block is assumed to rest directly in the soil. When acted by dynamic loads the rigid block as shown in Fig. 2 may vibrate in any one of six degrees of freedom and the complete evaluation of the response of the block is very complex. However many researchers have conformed from various studies that freedom of vibration in order to arrive at reasonable solution. A vibrating foundation fails when velocity or acceleration or…

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Degree of freedom | Loads on Machine Foundation

block foundation degree of freedom

What is degree of freedom? The Degree of freedom is defined as the number of independent coordinates which describe the motion of a system. Figure 1 (a) shows a system with one degree of freedom while, Fig.1 (b) shows a system with two degree of freedom. A foundation block as shown in Fig.2 has six degree of freedom. The block can undergo into six independent displacements. We can have translation in X, Y, and Z directions and also rotation in X, Y and Z directions. Loads on Machine Foundation The…

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Machine Foundation | Introduction and Description

Introduction to machine foundation: Foundations are subjected to static loads or dynamic loads or a combination of both static and dynamic loads. In addition to static loads, in some cases underlying soils are subjected to dynamic loads. Static loads produce no vibration and loads are imposed slowly. Dynamic loads produce vibration to foundation soil system. Various sources produce dynamic loads to soils supporting foundations. They could be from vibratory motion of machines, vehicular movement, earthquakes, bomb blasts, impact of hammers, mine explosions, pile driving, winds, waves and so on. Foundations…

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Light and Touch Operated Music Door Bell

light and touch operated music bell

The novel circuit light and touch operated music bell used a photo transistor (T1) with an npn transistor in emitter-follower mode to increase sensitivity of the circuit. So even if very little light fall on the photo transistor, it gives a triggering pulse to SCR gate and the SCR starts conducting. Circuit Description of Light and Touch Operated Music Bell When SCR conducts, IC UM66 starts producing music. After the music has halted, no current flows through the SCR and the SCR switches off till the light falls again on…

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12 Tones Doorbell

12 tone doorbell circuit

Every day addiction of people towards technology is growing deeper and deeper, even before entering into someone’s house we press doorbell which is a clear example to support our belief. Listening same doorbell always might be boring, this circuit 12 tones doorbell help us to avoid this dull situation. Music doorbells, music horns, touch-sensitive doorbells, etc are not new projects electronics hobbyists, especially for BEP readers. But, this music producer (twelve popular tones in sequences) gives a new dimension to musical doorbells. Whenever a switch is pressed, a popular tone…

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Automatic Light Operated Switch using LDR and IC741

light operated switch

Along with modernization, people are more prone to the comfort zone. Several inventions have been made to meet this requirement. Following the same trend, here we have presented a simple circuit; automatic light operated switch using LDR and IC741. People are busy, every second has a vital role in our busy schedule. Why shall we waste our valuable time turning on every switch in the building? The situation turns more troublesome when one needs to reach the ground floor just because it’s getting dark and s/he needs to turn on…

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Four channel audio mixer

four channel audio mixture circuit

As per the name of the circuit, it is clear that this circuit connects four different audio signals as one. So, it is call four channel audio mixer. Here is that simple circuit; “four channel audio mixer” using op-amplifier 741.  It is to be noted in the circuit that the op-amplifier 741 works here as an inverting amplifier. Circuit Description of four channel audio mixer: The circuit of four channel audio mixer is wired around op-amp IC 741 followed by few other active as well as passive components. The IC 741…

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