Hansen’s Bearing Capacity Theory

Hansen 1970 proposed a general bearing capacity equation. This equation is widely used because the equation can be used for both shallow as well as deep foundation. Full scale test on footings has indicated that the Hansen equation gives better correlation than the Terzaghi’s equation. Terzaghi’s equation is known to give conservative results. However, it is still in wide use for its simplicity. The proposed form of the equation is:Q_{ult} = \dfrac{1}{2}B\gamma N_{\gamma}s_{\gamma}d_{\gamma}i_{\gamma}g_{\gamma}b_{\gamma} + qN_qs_qd_qi_qg_qb_q + cN_cs_cd_ci_cg_cb_c   ———- (1)

Table 1 Shape, Depth, load Inclination, Ground and Base Inclination factors. Use term with prime factor when \phi = 0

Shape Factors Depth Factors Inclination Factors Other Factors

Ground factors

(base on slope)

s_c' = 0.2\dfrac{B}{L}


s_c = 1+ \dfrac{N_q}{N_c}\times \dfrac{B}{L}


Sc = 1 for strip

dc‘ = 0.4 k


dc = 1 + 0.4k

k = \dfrac{D}{B} for \dfrac{D}{B}\geq 1,,

k = tan^{-1}\dfrac{D}{B} for [\dfrac{D}{B}>1]

k in radians

i_c' = 0.5-0.5\sqrt{1-\dfrac{H}{A_fc_a}}

i_c = i_q-\dfrac{1-i_q}{N_q-1}

g_c' = \dfrac{\beta^0}{147^0}


g_c' = 1-\dfrac{\beta^0}{147^0}

s_q = 1 + \dfrac{B}{L}sin\phi d_q = 1 + 2 tan\phi \times (1 - sin\phi)^2k

k defined above

 i_q = (1-\dfrac{0.5H}{V + A_fc_acon\phi})^5  g_q = g\gamma

= (1-0.5 tan\beta)^5

Sq = 1-0.4B/L d_{\gamma} = 1for all \phi  i_{\gamma} = (1-\dfrac{0.7H}{V + A_fc_acon\phi})^5

i_{\gamma} = (1-\dfrac{0.7-\dfrac{\eta ^0}{(450^0)^5}}{V + A_fc_acot\phi})^{\alpha 2}

Base factors

(tilted base)

b_c' = \dfrac{\eta^0}{147^0} b_c = 1 - \dfrac{\eta^0}{147^0} b_q = e^{-2\eta tan \phi} b_{\gamma} = e^{-2.7 \eta tan}

\eta in radians

Where s, d, i, g, b are the shape, depth, inclination and ground factors. For pure cohesive soil the above equation takes the form of:

Q_{ult} = cN_C(1 + s_c + d_c - i_c - g_c -b_c) + q   ———- (2)

The bearing capacity factors are given by:

N_c = (N_q-1) cot\phi N_q = (e^{\pi tan\phi})tan^2(45^0 + \dfrac{\phi}{2}) N_{\gamma} = 1.5(N_q - 1) tan\phi

Hansen’s shape, depth and other factors are given in Table 4.1 below. Hansen’s equation also takes into consideration of base tilting and footings on slopes. When the values used in the inclination equations has the horizontal load component H parallel to B, one should use B’ with the N_{\gamma} term in the bearing capacity equation and if H is parallel to L use L’ with N_{\gamma}. For a footing on clay with \phi = 0 compute ic using H parallel to B and/or L as appropriate and note that it is a subtractive constant in the modified bearing capacity equation. When the base is tilted, the component H and V are perpendicular and parallel to the base respectively as compared with when it is horizontal. For footing on slopes gi factors are used to reduce the bearing capacity.


i_q, i_{\gamma} > 0

Af = Effective footing area B‘ x L for eccentric loading ­

Ca = Adhesion to base = cohesion or a reduced value

D = Depth of footing (Used with B and not B’)

eB, eL: Eccentricity of load with respect to center of the footing area

H = Horizontal component of the footing load with H \leq Vtan\delta + c_aA_f

V = Total vertical load on footing

\beta = Slope of ground away from base with downward (+)

\delta = Friction angle between base and soil, \delta = \phi for concrete on soil

\eta = Tilt angle of base from horizontal with (+) upwards as usual case

General Case

  1. Do not use si in combination with ii
  2. Can use si in combination with di, gi, and bi
  3. For L/ B less than or equal to 2 use \phi_u
  4. For L/B> 2 use \phi_{ps} = 1.5 \phi_u - 17
  5. For \phi < 34^0 Use \phi_{ps} = \phi_{u}.

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