High Brightness LED Strobe Using IC 555

high brightness led strobe using 555 circuit

Here is one another project which is useful in our daily life using the most popular IC NE555. The project high-brightness LED strobe uses an array of 36 high-brightness LEDs. The advantage of project is it is small battery powered and very efficient. A variable resistor on the side allows the frequencies of the flashing to be varied. Circuit Description of High Brightness LED Strobe Using IC 555 Circuit diagram of high-brightness LED strobe is shown in figure 1. The entire circuit is build around timer IC NE555 (IC1) or we…

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Fiber optic telemetry system Using NE555

circuit diagram of fiber optic telemetry system

Complete fiber optic systems are finding widespread use in all types of applications figure 1 provide a very simple fiber optic telemetry system using NE555 that can be used in a variety of telemetry application essentially. The transmitter is an astable oscillator using the popular NE555 (IC1). Circuit Diagram of Fiber optic telemetry system Using NE555 The variable resistance LDR1 contract the rate of the pulse applied to the LED. LDR1 can be any variable resistance transducer such as a strain gauge for pressure sensing, a thermistor for temperature sensing, or…

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Mains box heat monitor using 555 Timer IC

mains box heat monitor circuit

Here is a simple circuit mains box heat monitor for sensing high temperature due to overheating. This circuit helps to prevent disasters caused by only sparking in the mains box due to any fault as a short circuit overloaded. This circuit is so designed that it also automatically switches on a bright white LED (LED3) in case of power failure. This light is sufficient to check the mains box wring or fuses in darkness. Circuit Description Mains Box Heat Monitor The circuit is built around a timer IC, a sensor,…

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DC Motor Control Circuit

circuit diagram of dc motor controlling using single switch

The various motor control circuit is already available on the internet and this is also not a new idea for the electronics hobbyist. The circuit of the DC Motor Control Circuit, published here is different from another circuit available for motor control because it let you run a DC motor in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction and stop it using a single switch. DC motor control circuit has also another advantage i.e. for proper operation of the motor this circuit provides a constant voltage. Here we use three LEDs LED1…

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Dome Lamp Dimmer Circuit

circuit diagram of dome lamp dimmer

As we have already published various types of lamp dimmer like Light Dimmer Circuit using Capacitor and Touch Dimmer Circuit using triac etc. Now here is a lamp dimmer for the dome lamp in the car, which gives a fairly linear control over the lamp brightness from low to high intensity. The main advantage of the project dome lamp dimmer circuit is it consumes little power because it is a pulse-width modulated chopper circuit. You can also control the intensity of a halogen bulb or control the speed of a…

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Clap Switch Circuit Using 555

circuit diagram of clap operated electronics switch

The clap switch circuit is not a new idea for the electronics hobbyist. Previously we had posted a simple clap-operated switch. Now, here is a clap switch circuit using 555, used to control any appliance by clapping five times. We used here decade counter for the right clap code i.e. only the right clap activates the appliance (five claps within the preset time interval of 10 seconds). Description of Clap Switch Circuit Using 555 The clap switch circuit using 555 is built around timer IC 555, decade counter IC CD…

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Running and Spellar Effects of Light Circuit

running and spellar effect light circuit

There are many display circuits already published in BEP. But the circuit Running and Spellar Effects of Light Circuit is very special in its own way because it contains all the facilities required for any type of decoration. Lighting decoration broadly consists of two main categories-the running effect and the spellar effects. Running effect is well known to every electronics hobbyist. The spellar effect consists of many output driving the load-lamps; all of them go high one after another, and eventually all outputs becomes high simultaneously showing a complete display.…

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Ten Channel Sequential Lighting Circuit

ten channel sequential lighting circuit

The project Ten channel Sequential Lighting presented here gives a flashing light effect from left to right and then from right to left. IC1 (NE555) generates clock pulses for IC2. The output using rectifiers produce the effect of bulbs flashing from left to right. As the carry output pin 12 of IC2 is connected to the clock input of IC3, the bulbs which are connected to IC5 also starts flashing from right to left. As these outputs are not capable of handling large currents, they have to be amplified to…

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Dynamic Display Ads Circuit

dynamic display circuit

This project of “Dynamic Display Ads Circuit” is based on serial input and parallel output sift register 74164. With the help of the project dynamic display ads circuit we can build a display board, where LEDs blink to give a running light effect. Circuit Description of Dynamic Display Ads Circuit The project dynamic display ads circuit may be used to advertise or display of name plates etc. It is made versatile by using the 555 and 74 series of ICs, which are readily available in the market. In the dynamic…

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Automatic Time Indicator for Telephone

circuit arrangement for telephone

The circuit Automatic Time Indicator for Telephone presented here provides an audible warning 2.5 minutes after dialing the telephone. The circuit does not make use of telephone line for its operation. Circuit Description of Automatic Time Indicator for Telephone The circuit consists of three 555 ICs. It can be divided into three parts- touch switch using IC1, timer using IC2 and oscillator using IC3. The on touch plate is in the form of a wire, the insulation of which is attached to the stopper on the telephone dial. The off touch…

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