Switching and controlling circuit are generally of two types, analog and digital. General purpose analog switches are available in a variety of contact arrangements. The most basic contact arrangement is the single pole, single throw (SPST) to advance 16 channel switches are available. Different Version of this switch circuit are used to supply the wide range and great variety of switch circuit are available in this webpage. The small size, low cost, and high operating speed of switches have made a host of additional application possible.
In the section switching and controlling circuit we publish various types of circuit used in general life to control various types of electric and electronic appliance. The circuit posted here is of automatic as well as manually controlled using various types of sensor like, LDR, thermostat, microphone etc. Very low standby and operating powers makes this family of devices particularly suitable for battery operating equipment or other application where low power dissipation is an important characteristic.
Various types of switch circuit like touch switch, clap and sound operated switches, dark or light operated switch etc. are posted here. We have also posted various types of controlling circuit like light dimmer, washing machine control, motor control, fan and AC speed control etc is listed below.