LASER Demonstration Program using C

The objective of the ‘LASER Demonstration Program using C’ is to develop a graphic based system, which demonstrate the working and emission of laser. Here you will find the tutorial to build a LASER Demonstration Program. This project is very helpful to build a basic and experience on Graphics Programming using C.

LASER stands for light amplification by simulated emission of radiation. The simulated emission is used for amplifying light waves. LASER light is coherent source. An atom can emit radiation by two different methods: spontaneous and stimulated emission.

Characteristics of LASER light are:

  1. The LASER beam is coherent spatially and temporally to a light degree.
  2. A LASER beam is highly directional. A laser light of 10 cm diameter if passed from earth to moon.
  3. LASER can produce light in a very narrow wavelength beam.
  4. The LASER light has a high brightness compared to an ordinary light. Due to high intensity it can be used for welding.

Detail of project Code:-

The project LASER Demonstration Program using C uses various C concept, such as Co-ordinate of display, user-defined function, library function etc. to display the required functionality.

So, let’s get started!

If you are familiar with graphics library and program easily using C in TURBO C++ ide, then you can directly download TURBO C++, save the code in project folder and compile the project.

The complete compiling process is shown in video below.

Source Code of the program LASER Demonstration Program using C

One Thought to “LASER Demonstration Program using C”

  1. Vaishnavi naik

    I need Animation of atomic structure in computer graphics program with source code

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